Friday, October 22, 2021

The Disability Blogger Weekend Link-up: Here we go

What to do if you're new  

This is a place to share a recent favorite post you've written or read. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of this post. Where it says "Your name" put the name of the blog followed by the title of the post you want to share (or just the name of the post, if there's no room—you get 80 characters).

Like this: Love That Max: Someone's child has a speech delay—do you say something? 

Where it says "Your URL" put the direct link to the post.

Click "Enter." Leave a comment if you want to say more. Go check out some great posts.


  1. The people at Nora Notes say:

    "You can't add when you're sad or mad"

    and that is so true.

    The message - emotional and social feedback for the students returning to their schools and placements in the 2021-22 academic year.

    Here is the actual bullet point:

    "“ • Adopt the “you can’t add when you’re sad or mad” mindset and focus whenever possible on students’ mental wellbeing”".


  2. Here is Jaya Pandey's pledge - the pledge she shared:

    “By the way if you are wondering what did I pledge to, I hope you do the same. - here they are for you to remember.

    1 Confront racism, inequity, hate, violence, and structural elements of society that harm, diminish, or devalue others due to characteristics over which they have no control.
    2 Contribute to a workplace that creates a community that supports diversity, equity, and inclusion of all people.
    3 Monitor myself for instances of unconscious bias which may interfere with fulfilling the other elements of this pledge.
    4 Promote causes that support people who are undervalued or marginalized by society. 

    A beautiful linen for a beautiful fall day. PC dear husband, a reluctant photographer. I shouldn’t be complaining but I do miss my first born for this very reason.”

  3. From Grace Dow [What independent living looks like for me]:

    "“I live in a very rural community where options for housing, in general, are limited and expensive. Through an old acquaintance of mine, I was able to find a first-floor apartment. While it is not 100% accessible, it works for right now. I was able to have a ramp installed, and I used a bath transfer system to shower. I can get around freely in my power wheelchair and walker, and I don’t have carpets which makes it easier to move around. In the future, I’d like to remodel the bathroom so I can have a roll-in shower, but the apartment works for now.”


    “However, I make my own decisions whenever I can. I enjoy deciding what I’d like for dinner and when I go to bed at night. One of my favorite things about living in my apartment is that I have a TV in my room. Typically, I watch a movie or show before bedtime. Perhaps the best thing about living on my own is that I can see my friends whenever I would like. My friends and I get together and watch TV and go on walks. We don’t have to be doing anything special. Some of the happiest times I have had are when we watch TV together or wander up and down the snack and candy aisles at the local drugstore. It’s a great feeling to have friends who enjoy my company and hang out with me.".

  4. Wynne Leon shares these important parenting truths:

    "“I want to claim that I knew sneakiness doesn’t work in life before I was a parent but that would also be BS. I was not attuned to the feeling of tension that signals a choice of not facing or facing the emotions of someone who will be unhappy by what I chose to do. I have ducked out of many parties with a white lie about why I couldn’t come instead of telling the host the truth that I didn’t feel like coming. I shudder to think about the time I canceled going to see U2 with a friend and his son because I had a colossally bad day at work.
    But what I’ve learned from parenting isn’t about lying per se – because I don’t tell my kids the truth about many things like Santa and the Easter Bunny and whether or not I’ve ever had sex. It’s more specific to not telling the truth in order to avoid emotions. Like saying we are out of cookies instead of being the bad guy who says “no” because they’ve had too much sugar.
    Instead of amplifying feelings by adding the horror of being tricked, this advice has taught me to lean into the discomfort of the initial disappointment. It also honors the emotional intelligence of anyone that I might mislead who can often sense they are being tricked, even at a very young age, even if they don’t know exactly how.
    I’m leaving. I will miss you and can’t wait to scoop you up when I return. There is nothing like the sweetness of reunion and it is not possible until we recognize the truth of being apart”."

  5. Sarah Coiner of Connecting with Families/Family Trips inc. about siblings:

    [Coiner is the eldest of eight and has Cerebral Palsy]

    "“You are going to want your other children. Try to get a reading on whom they are thinking and feeling. Let’s look at some things your children might be feeling.”
    “And because of that, your other children might wonder if you love your special needs child.”


  6. Quote from Ginger Piper who writes LOVING MYSELF AND I:

    ""Back to the trampoline Fiona went once we arrived back at the house and Leaf and Calvin headed in to begin a game of Dungeons & Dragons. Eventually Christy (Leaf’s mom and the home owner) arrived back with pizza and we all settled down for dinner, Leaf and Calvin eating while continuing their game, Fiona and I staying upstairs in the dining room with Christy and Terry. After dinner the kids headed outside to swing. There is this awesome tree right in the front yard that is perfect for a swing and they have a big round one that all 3 kids could sit on. Once the kids left Christy and Terry and I stayed and talked for a while. Christy is really nice and had wonderful things to say about me and my kids. She and I had hung out a few times but she said she was worried my kids would be brats even though she thought I was cool and down to earth. She was really complimentary and it felt good to hear her say that it was so obvious how good I am with my kids. I didn’t ask, she just came out and said that. Unfortunately the judge doesn’t get to see that. My lawyer is expecting that the judge will go with J’s proposal, not because he necessarily agrees with it but for the exact reason that he doesn’t know me and therefore has to play it safe with his ruling. That does make sense but then also seems like a strange way to go about making a decision. J’s lawyer made a comment about however the ruling goes will tell us what was in the discharge reports. I don’t think that’s true at all because of what I just mentioned about the judge needing to be cautious. The discharge reports pretty much just said go to therapy and take my meds, which I do, and have been for almost a year, and for years before all of this, so if we went by that then it would be our proposal that would be accepted. But it is unlikely that that will be the case so it is unfair of J’s lawyer to assume that just because the judge doesn’t give me more time that that means the discharge reports weren’t good. He does a lot of unfair things. My lawyer asked me to go through their most recent document and let him know which points had incorrect information in them. Almost every single one did! It’s not right that the judge is considering all this untrue information, assuming it’s true and making his decision based on it. Just another reason it doesn’t make sense for someone who doesn’t know me to be the one deciding what happens. But we don’t have another choice right now unfortunately. Sometimes when my kids are away from me I worry about what this year will have done to them, about how they will change without my influence. But when I’m with them I’m reminded that even though I don’t have as much time with them as I’d like, it is definitely still enough time to make sure they know how deeply I love them and care for them and will help them however I can. It is enough time to continue to form sweet memories and for us to feel like a family. My tucking them in at night and then them crawling into my bed in the middle of the night is a wonderful dream that will come true eventually. We can wait. We’ll be ready for it whenever it comes. Hopefully it is sooner rather than later. At least they know and I know and anyone who sees us together knows that I am a great mom and that my kids need and love me. The amount of time we spend together isn’t the most important thing. The most important thing is that our bond isn’t completely broken and that we keep our hope alive for a sweet reunion as soon as possible. I am still reveling in the joy of today’s visit. I love my kids more than anything! Can’t wait for Saturday.”"


Thanks for sharing!

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