Monday, November 14, 2016

The powerful letter a teacher wrote to her first-graders after the election


  1. Good on Mrs. Nagy. Our country could benefit from everyone trying to make better choices every day. Be kind, practice tolerance, settle issues peacefully.

  2. So very very true. Thank you for sharing.

  3. This is what more people need to here. I think it's a good time to learn how to deal with opposing opinions.

  4. Personally, no mater what you think of Trump, this is totally inappropriate and furthers the theory schools are brainwashing kids. I'm sorry if Hillary Clinton won and the teacher did something similar you would be complaining

    1. I respectfully disagree. This note is not partisan in nature. It is simply reminding students the role they can play as citizens and the decisions they can make in how to treat others. This seems like a good teachable moment, not brainwashing. Kids often feel powerless and this teacher's note helps to make them feel powerful.

    2. I'm confused as to why anyone would see this post and react by defensively speak of Trump and brainwashing by schools. Don't Trump supporters believe in kindness, love, and embracing differences? Aren't those American values that we all hold dear?

    3. Not to mention self-reliance, doing what others say is impossible, and raw perseverance?

  5. Best election post I've seen yet!


  6. The only reason for reading this post as partisan is we all know what Trump is about. Otherwise a teacher prompting children to be decent would have gone unnoticed. Great post, thank you Ellen.


Thanks for sharing!