Friday, February 7, 2014

Special Needs Blogger Weekend Link-up: A very special place

It's the Special Needs Blogger Weekend Link-up, a special place to share special posts about special kids and special feelings and all things special. Isn't that special? And why does that word start looking so weird when you see it seven times in a row?

Note: A few people have had trouble posting using Internet Explorer. Try a different browser!

What to do

Scroll all the way down to the bottom of this post. Where it says "Your name" put the name of the blog followed by the title of the post (or just the name of the post, if there's no room—you get 80 characters).

Like this: Love That Max: Snow Days Are The Best Thing Ever But Maybe Not For My Mom

Where it says "Your URL" put the direct link to the post.

Click "Enter." Leave a comment if you want to say more. Go check out some great posts.

Happy linking!


  1. Thanks again, Ellen! Today is one year since Dexter's central line (chemotherapy cord) was taken out. He's still in his double leg casts, from his hip adduction op., but... he has found his laugh! Could there be a better sound? Happy weekend. Dexter's at #7

  2. Had a little fun announcing my wife was pregnant. Have a great weekend everyone.

  3. Many of my link-up lately, okay all of them, have focused on my older son, the one with some special issues, so I decided to share a post (Oh, the faith of a child!) about my younger son. Thanks for the link up!

  4. Bedtime with my severely disabled daughter :) Thanks for the opportunity to share x

  5. Sharing about a word that I find myself using so often when talking about my daughter. As parents we live as if our miracle is just around the corner. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of our link up!

  6. We moved for my son (with DS) to attend an inclusive preschool. My link up is about how this decision has finally come full circle. Baker is thriving and I am a proud mama!

  7. From my Disability Thinking Blog

    #37 Minimum Wage ... Updates and Further Thoughts - about why many people with disabilities won't get the raise announced by President Obama, and what people are doing about it.

    #39 Practical Disabilities of Being An Amputee - not just for amputees! Sharing a video from AmputeeOT, that includes important thoughts on positivity, difficult realities, and not comparing yourself to others.

  8. Grateful to find you via Twitter - a new world for me! My blog post is about my daughter who is neurotypical. It's easy to spend so much time thinking about our special needs kids. Actually, I struggle with that word, special needs, and it's something I am working out in my brain. I am trying to see people as people regardless of conditions, but of course, labels are important for a variety of ways. I'm so open to thoughts on this. I appreciate your writing and your perspective!

  9. The parents of "only" children with Ds or other intellectual disabilities have unique concerns and little to no support. We need to find each other and stick together!

  10. Thanks Ellen I wrote about not feeling guilty about wondering about a different life.

  11. My son turned sixteen the other day... and so my post is a celebration of him!!!

    Thank-you so much for gathering everyone here to join in!!

    Wait... you mean, it's not all about my Shay?? Well... it is to me!! tee hee!

    Happy weekend! ~Tsara

  12. Thank you for the ability to join up with so many great posts.

  13. Thank you for all of the great blogs! I will be checking out ALL of them today. Finding other moms like me, through blogs, has been life changing!

  14. I love this blog and I love the link up!


Thanks for sharing!