Friday, January 31, 2014

Special Needs Blogger Weekend Link-up: Cabin fever edition

It's the Special Needs Blogger Weekend Link-up, the cure for cabin fever. Well, that and getting your significant other to take the kids OUT.

Note: A few people have had trouble posting using Internet Explorer. Try a different browser!

What to do

Scroll all the way down to the bottom of this post. Where it says "Your name" put the name of the blog followed by the title of the post (or just the name of the post, if there's no room—you get 80 characters).

Like this: Love That Max: Happy Unbirthday To Me

Where it says "Your URL" put the direct link to the post.

Click "Enter." Leave a comment if you want to say more. Go check out some great posts.

Happy linking!


  1. Anyone have any home modification ideas I should consider? Today, I posted about how we are ready to sell our current home and move to one that better fits Kyle's needs.

  2. Thanks, Ellen. Cabin Fever - it's hot, here in Australia. Dexter just had his hip adduction surgery - to release the muscle, so we thought we'd get Cabin Fever while he recovered... Nope! Can't slow our kids down - love their determination! Dexter's at #7.

  3. Thanks Ellen as always. hope our share will show just how every kid can be part of their school swimming carnivals.

  4. This issue about marriage is huge. The role kids play in our marriage is a real issue.

    Thanks Ellen. Have a great weekend everyone.

  5. #27 I'm Julia's Mom - this is just a little rant about the phrase that bugs me the most - am I the only one? Thanks Ellen!

  6. Sorry - I think I double posted #27 and #28 - I don't know how to delete on here! Oops!

  7. A couple of notes ... 22. is relevant for youth and parents thinking about transition to adulthood and working, 24. says it's for chronically ill people, but I thought a lot of the ideas were applicable to parents of special needs kids. Thanks Ellen for the forum!

  8. I know that there are MANY wonderful bloggers here. I hope that you will consider writing and linking a post in honor of Jewish Disability Awareness Month (Feb.) using #JDAMblogs. You do not even have to be Jewish! You can write anything about disability, accessibility, inclusion, etc. More information and a link up will be on my blog Jewish Special Needs Education: Removing the Stumbling Block beginning this Saturday night.

  9. Thank you for hosting this link-up. I linked to a post I wrote about people equating Cerebral Palsy with incompetence.

  10. I absolutely love these link-ups! Such a great way to find some great blogs. I posted at #48.

  11. Reading the links shared here is always a highlight for me! Thank you so much for hosting this, Ellen. I posted at #1 and #3.

  12. I just reviewed a lovely book for families who live with someone on the autism spectrum. It's really cool how I heard about the book, too. I'm in it!!

    Thanks again for hosting the party, Ellen. I'd offer to bring snacks, but I ate them.
    tee hee!

  13. #61 Pancakes in Bed... Just wanted to share the binder I put together to help me keep track of all my kids' medical paperwork and other things. Thanks for the link ups! These are so nice for a newbie like me :)


Thanks for sharing!