Friday, June 28, 2013

Special Needs Blogger Weekend Link-Up: Celebrate your posts!

It's another Special Needs Blogger Weekend Link-Up. Come one, come all!

The idea

Link to a favorite post of the week—yours or someone else's.

What to do

Scroll all the way down to the bottom of this post. Where it says "Your name" put the name of the blog followed by the title of the post (or just the name of the post, if there's no room—you get 80 characters).

Like this: Love That Max: I'm Changing My Middle Name To Chocolate Ice-Cream

Where it says "Your URL" put the direct link to the post.

Click "Enter." Leave a comment if you want to say more. Go check out some great posts.

Happy linking!


  1. Thanks, Ellen!

    This week I responded to a "What to say to parents of kids with special needs" post (which I kind of disagreed with) with my own thoughts---which I imagine some people will agree with, and some won't :)

    Dana (Uncommon Sense)

  2. Thanks Ellen :) This week I linked to "Day 1016: Giving yourself the gift of acceptance" - a post about accepting yourself.

  3. Thanks again for doing this Ellen,

    Recognizing that I have been rather maudlin over the past few weeks, I related a fun incident in this weeks post at Raising Asperger's Kids

  4. Thank you so much for allowing us to link here! I am linking to the most recent post in my series "Creative Special Needs Mom Spotlight" where I interview women in the arts caring for special needs children.

  5. Just linked up with you for the very first time, my post about our visit to The Autism Show!

  6. Thanks so much for doing this again, Ellen. I look forward to it every week!

    -Brigid (The Pink Roller Coaster)

  7. Thanks for sharing your space. This is my favorite link up! This week I guest posted for a friend about what we imply about people with disabilities when we idolize those who love and care for them.

  8. Excited to share my new blog for EasyStand! Thanks, Ellen!

  9. I am so excited to read all of these blogs! I shared my post Stories from my blog breeder. It is about how important I feel it is for us to share our stories.

  10. Thanks again for the link-up, Ellen! Today, I'm sharing a post about how strangers can surprise us with acts of kindness towards our kids. :)

  11. Thanks again for the link up. I had a huge surge in traffic last week due to the link off here. Actually, the traffic from your link up seemed very interested in my AT Rule of Life #1 (Every High Tech AT Solution Needs At Least One Low or No Tech Alternative). So this week it inspired me to share a No Tech Eye Gaze AAC solution we use at the AT Household as an alternative to J’s High Tech AAC device. I can't wait to see if your readers pop over and give me any more inspiration or ideas for next week's post. 😊

  12. Ooooh, I'm happy to see Louise from Bloom posted her link to "The Invisible Mom" post. It's so powerful! I encourage everyone to read it.

  13. Thank again - and I'd love some more opinions on my post which is about the lack of suitable apps for older children and teenagers with intellectual disabilities :)

  14. Hi Ellen, Thank you again for hosting the roundup. My post this weekend relates to a husband caring for a wife throughout her battle with cancer, while caring for a young child in the family as well. It does not relate to disability. Regular readers of my blog will know that as a mother of a son with severe disabilities and the daughter of a 92 year mother with care needs, I am a political activist for caregivers of all shapes and sizes. I posted here this weekend to spark a conversation about male caregivers - Dads, husbands, sons... and I believe that we need to see ourselves in each other so that we can change society to make it more hospitable to our families who give and receive care of any sort.

  15. Hi Ellen, thanks for the link up! I've been enjoying reading other blogs over the last few weeks.

  16. Thanks or the link in your link ups..

  17. Thanks for this!


Thanks for sharing!