Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mommy Is A Poopiehead: the speech program

Max and I are in the car, doing errands. I constantly talk to him when I drive, encouraging him to talk back and say more than "Noooo" and "Eeee-yah!" ["Yeah!"] and "Ah-eh-ee oss!" ["Spaghetti sauce!"]. Today, nothing seems to be working. So I decide to have some fun.

"Max, you're a poopiehead," I say.

He cracks up. Like a lot of boys, he tends to think anything involving the word "poop" is amusing.

"OK, Max, now tell Mommy that she's a poopiehead!" I say. "Poopiehead" would be a thrill to hear; I have yet to hear Max say a "p." The "hard" constants—b, d, g, k, p and t—are tough for him, because of the air control needed. "B" and "p" also require mouth closure, and that's not a natural position for Max. His jaw veers between lax and tight, thankyouverymuch cerebral palsy.

"Max, say 'Mommy is a poopiehead!'" I repeat, laughing. He giggles. Perhaps he thinks I'm whacked.

"Come on, Max!"

And then finally, he says "Ohmmy es oooeeeay." And I am psyched.

You will not find me touting the Poopiehead Speech Program on informercials or anything. It comes from the theory of "Whatever works, WORKS." I highly recommend it.


  1. Yes, but Mommy is a clever and resourceful poopiehead who gets results. *shrug* Love this!

  2. We got "unna tzs" this week - "ambulance". So flippin' excited! I'd do anything for those precious, precious words!!!!

  3. Awww, so cute. Whatever works.

  4. Love it! That picture of Max makes my heart melt. He looks SO grown up! And handsome, of course.

  5. LOL I am glad I am not the only poopiehead. Although sadly I don't encourage my son to call me that but to him that fact makes it even funnier to say.

  6. "Ellen Poopiehead" has a certain ring to it lol

  7. We encouraged our daughter to say poopyhead, but it was under entirely different circumstances. This is political, so I apologize in advance if anyone is offended. When my daughter was two, we bought her a "President Poopyhead" t-shirt with a picture of George Bush on it. She loved it and would proudly point to it and say President Poopyhead to anyone we saw while running errands. She got pretty good at picking out his picture in newspapers, etc. and excitedly yell, PRESIDENT POOPYHEAD, which always made me laugh!

    Yeah, I'm mommy of the year!

  8. Isn't it amazing the things we will allow our kids to do? Charlotte is totally tube fed, and I'm constantly promising her a diet of oreos and cheese puffs if she will JUST EAT! Haha

  9. Max would love a book Ben liked when he was about Max's age. It's called "I Stink" by Kate & Jim McMullan. It's a garbage truck's version of the ABCs.

    Use whatever works to get speech from an idea to fact. Just be ready for them to say it very plainly for the first time at a most inappropriate time! It could be interesting who is chosen for the first "poopiehead"! :o)

  10. Daddy POOP~is a big one in our house!!! Took a long time to get it and no matter how embarassing, we will take whatever words we can get.

    Unlocking Luke's Voice on fb
    The Olive You Foundation on fb

  11. Well done! And along those same lines... my child gets to do just about anything as long as she does it with TWO hands, since her right side is less dominant. We joke she could get by with murder so long as Righty is involved. But, yes, whatever it takes. LOVE THAT MAX!

  12. My sister (music therapist) has a speech therapist friend who says she gets more work done during the "potty talk" stage than any other. She comes into the office and is yelling "Yes! my client finally thinks poop is hilarious!"

  13. Love it! I am 100% in the camp of whatever works :)

  14. The things people will do for their kids! Very funny and clever!

  15. hilarious! And so true. Whatever works! Have you looked into PROMPT therapy for Max? It's such a simple, common sense speech therapy for kids with CP. LOVE it's approach to teaching how to make sounds by direct input. It's been brilliant for S xo

  16. The things you guys do for your children reading this maakes me fall in love with all you wonderful parents of kids with "special needs" Keep on, keeping on. You guys are freaking AWESOME I wll be visting all the blogs on this comment thread pretty soon watch out for me in your comment section :)

  17. Genius!

    and so touching! I precious mother & son moment!

    Congratulations on the honor of Blogher Voices of the Year! I love the post submitted & your blog.

  18. Love this. It should have left you psyched! Well done!

  19. So glad to hear you all approve of my speech program! Dave, I would change Poopiehead to my middle name if it got Max to say it. For real.

    Diane, we have tried PROMPT with Max, it's a great program.

    Mo, we are also forever saying "Two hands, Max! Two hands!" around here. Have not yet contemplated how I'd feel if he slayed someone with his right hand. Probably thrilled.

    Hi, Patty! And thank you!

    And thanks Nisha! You're always so encouraging!


Thanks for sharing!