Monday, February 21, 2011

The good you can do online today: Help feed kids in need

This is a picture of Max's breakfast today, in our room at the Loews Hotel in Philly (bad cabin fever = impromptu road trip). Not a remarkable breakfast, really (he has oatmeal every single day, and blueberry yogurt on occasion), except that I just posted it to Share Your Breakfast—and now, a kid in need will get a breakfast at school.

It's part of a program Kellogg's is doing with Action for Healthy Kids. The goal: to share a million breakfasts in the 2011-2012 school year. Each time you let them know what you or the kids downed for breakfast, Kellogg's donates the monetary equivalent of a school breakfast. The stats are sobering: One in four kids live in a household where food is hard to come by.

You can also type in a description of what you ate for breakfast—and if all you enter is "Coffee. Iced. Light." nobody will chide you for not eating breakfast, trust me on that. Or text a photo or description to 21534.

There's a virtual breakfast happening Tuesday March 1, from 11:30-12:00 a.m. ET on The Motherhood with Kellogg's (who sponsored this post). Dr. Reginald Washington, chair on the board of Action for Healthy Kids, will be talking about ending hunger in the United States. Everyone's welcome to listen in.

What did you have for breakfast? Please go share and snag a breakfast for a kid who needs one.


  1. We had a breakfast of champions today because it is a day off for all of us! Eggs, bacon, pancakes, OJ! We only do a hot breakfast on the weekends, usually--oatmeal being the exception because that cooks up quick--and cereal and fruit or peanut butter and jam on toast (odd but they like it) during the week.

    How neat that you are in Philly on PRESIDENT's Day! Planning on hitting the Liberty Bell (literally speaking, of course) and all of the Founding Fathers' historical sites? What I'd give to just pick up and run off on a mini break--we don't do enough of that stuff!

  2. Welcome to Evan's home town! Can't wait to hear more about your visit.


  3. I wish you didn't do this on the day that I tried bacon on a bagel with cream cheese for the first time. :) I posted anyway. Thanks for doing this!

  4. I usually have a bowl of cereal, a yogurt, or I buy a bagel or a roll. Today however was a special day - I had a pistachio muffin and it was delicious. I try to eat my breakfast at work because if I eat it at home, I get hungry for lunch by 11.


Thanks for sharing!