Friday, November 12, 2010

The new bed: a dramedy in two acts

Sabrina's big-girl bed came this morning, while she was en route to school. The entire day, I couldn't wait for her to see it. She's been talking about it for months, literally counting down the days till it arrived.

Max saw the delivery truck pull up this morning just as he was taking off for school, and he knew something was going on. As soon as he walked into the house, he gestured to go upstairs and I helped him up.

He saw Sabrina's bed, squealed, and asked to sit on it. I plopped him on it. He pointed to the bed, then at himself. I knew that was going to happen.

"You want a new bed, too?" I asked.

"YEAH!" he said. He's been saying "YEAH!" lately instead of yes, and it makes both me and Dave smile every single time.

Max has this fire engine bed in his room, last seen here when I told you that he read the "No. 7" on its side. I like it because it's low to the ground; Max has a tendency to veer precipitously close to the side of his bed, and then not be able to right himself. I had no clue what we were going to do once he was over the firetruck bed.

Turns out the toddler bed we took apart (which was originally a crib) contains a headboard. The delivery guy helped take it apart this morning and he showed me that we could get a metal frame to attach to it, and use a piece of wood instead of a boxspring so Max will be close to the floor.

"OK, Max, I'll get you a new bed!" I told him. Then I had to repeat it at least ten times, because Max likes to be reassured that way. Or maybe he doesn't trust me. I can't be sure.

When Sabrina got home from school I said, "There's a surprise for you upstairs." She ran. "NEWWWW BED!!!!!!!!" she yelled. Why she chose to pose like Material Girl Madonna in the photo, I have no idea.

Max was upstairs, too, and again made it clear that he wanted a new bed.

"Max! You want a truck bed?" Sabrina asked.

"YEAH!" Max said.

"Oooooh, Max! Do you want a car wash bed?" Sabrina asked.

"YEAH!!!!!" Max said, with 10.5 times as much enthusiasm.

OMG. A car wash Halloween costume, I can handle. But a car wash bed?

I wasn't sure whether Sabrina said this to a) tease Max b) appease Max c) remind him that he needed his own bed. Probably all of the above.

Either way, at night she let him hang out for a little while.


  1. Lovely post as always. I could hug the guy that came and helped you with tips etc. Good for him! If he wants a car wash bed..could you rig up a 'pretend' shower head (a plastic safe one..even say a rose from a watering can) or similar? Has he ever seen a car wash? I can just see a couple of large feather dusters (that style) being used there something as the roller washers. I guess, once again, it comes down to safety and how committed he remains to the idea. Btw..whooohooo you got the No. 7! :)

    And, please tell the little lady..Susan in Australia loves her bed. :)

  2. so sweet! i love that last pic. progess brings new challenges--so exciting though. sending love xo

  3. That last photo did it for me. How adorable! Tell your Sabrina that THIS Sabrina hopes she has wonderful, happy dreams in her new big-girl bed! =)

  4. Your kids have the most beautiful smiles! Thanks for sharing them with us. :-)

  5. When I was little my mom just put a mattress on the floor and put the linens on it. Perhaps that helps you.

  6. Sabrina is the BEST sister an adorable Max could possibly have! He's a lucky boy!

    So....are the aerobeds back in the closet, or what?

  7. So exciting! Love the new bed and that last picture is adorable! Car wash bed, huh? That could be a bit tricky! Really have to get those creative juices flowing!

  8. I think you could easily make a car wash bed! Get car bedding (of course) and then tie lots of long ribbons (I'm thinking purple...) to a dowel rod and hang that on the wall over the headboard.

    Does that make sense? I'm reading it back to myself and it's not making sense.

    Anyway, YAY for new beds!

  9. Hmmm...Julia, I think you're onto something! When are you swinging by to help? HA!

    Felicia: Aerobeds back in basement! Mission accomplished! Well, almost. Max keeps sneaking into our room in the middle of the night. Actually, he's quite shameless about it.

    Susan P., I will pass along your message to Sabrina. And you can come help Julia with the car wash bed, though it would be quite a trip from Australia. :)

  10. I love, love, love Sabrina's poses and expressions. She cracks me up.


Thanks for sharing!