You've heard about my CVS addiction and my Target shopping therapy; well, I have a Staples habit, too. I genuinely enjoy checking out notebooks; browsing markers, crayons and special pens; taking in the glorious Post-it colors; and fondling folders and otherwise fantasizing about the many ways I can organize myself...someday.
I'd never noticed that Staples had a fair amount of eco-friendly products, too, until a recent event at a store. There's everything from notebooks made of sustainable materials to scissors made with recycled plastic., along with a Staples EcoEasy site that lists products with a green bent.
I have really clear memories of shopping for back-to-school stuff as a kid, and of teachers giving ridiculously detailed instructions about supplies (single-topic, spiral-bound notebook that has a pocket in front). I can also vividly picture standing with my parents and sister on the street, waiting for the school bus to show up on my first day of first grade. I was wearing my favorite red dress...which I proceeded to wear every single day that week.
How about you—what are your most vivid back-to-school memories? Share them below, and you'll be entered to win one of two $75 Staples gift cards.
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• Tweet about this giveaway with a link back; you must also be following @LoveThatMax. Here's a tweet: Win a $75 Staples gift card from @LoveThatMax, ends 9/4, http://tinyurl.com/249uqxf
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• Post about this giveaway on Facebook with a link back or blog about it.
This Staples giveaway is open until Saturday September 4, 11:59 p.m., and is for U.S. and Canadian residents. I'll randomly choose two winners, announce them here, and send out e-mail alerts. Good luck!
Note: I received some Staples products at the event, but the opinions and shopping addictions noted here are my own.
UPDATE: The winners of the two $75 gift cards are B. Wilson and Leslie. Congrats! And thanks to everyone for entering and sharing your memories, loved reading them.
I vividly remember getting up for school super early on the first day (that never happened any other day but the first) and getting dressed in my new back to school outfit and doing my hair and packing my backpack with all my new supplies. Then I would walk to school with my sister, super nervous about who would be in my class that year.
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In fourth grade or so, I remember getting a cardboard pencil box that was dark blue with all the constellations on it in yellow stars. I loved that thing. The names of the constellations were written underneath each one, and I remember staring at the long strange words, mesmerized, at many points in the whole semester, completely tuning out the teacher and the rest of the class, just pretending I was floating in the night sky, made of stars.
ReplyDeleteMy most vivid "back to school memory" is my very first day as a teacher in 5th grade. My students were so nervous and I was being checked out by every single soul that walked the halls that day. I was the new teacher and quite young (23). It was memorable and scary all at the same time!
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Forgot to add my favorite memories: Recess was a blast! We would play four-squares and have fun on the playground. I also loved when I got to go back to school shopping! Nap time, playing computer games during computer lab hour, Art class..man, I wish I could go back. Now I'm taking college courses and school is no fun at all!
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My most vivid back-to-school memory is my first day of university. I felt like such a small fish in a giant pond and I basically just went through my day by standing in every line I came to, assuming that I must need to do whatever those people were doing (and usually I did).
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I still remember my first day of Kindergarten. I was wearing a purple t-shirt dress, white tights and purple legwarmers. Hehe. I still have a picture somewhere, of me standing in our front yard in front of a huge willow tree. There's also one of my hanging upside down from the tree like a monkey, that same morning. Ahhh, memories.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Sarah, and I have school supply shopping issues.
ReplyDeleteseriously...I have a tote of school supplies that I have been amassing for the past 3-4 years. This year I had 140 pencils AFTER giving the kids what they needed, and still had the urge to buy more ( they were 15 cents per 10 pack). I bought ELEVEN composition books because they were a quarter each! Don't even get me started on the notebook paper...
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Trapper Keepers! And in third grade getting to wear my Dr Scholls clogs to school!
ReplyDeletemomofabc at nycap.r.com
I don't really have any vivid memories of going back to school, but I do remember loving to shop for new school supplies!
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My favorite memories of back to school were walking to the bus with my mother and her giving me the pep talk that everything was going to be okay!
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I remember all of the excitement, every year in grade school, picking your desk for the year. It was such a complicated decision back then...sit close to all of your friends, yet far enough from the teacher so you could "talk" to them. I was a chatter box.
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ReplyDeletebest back 2 school memories are spending the night before getting all my stuff ready! wanting 2 look the best on the first day
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My favorite memories are the fresh paper, fresh crayons and folders that hadn't been scribbled on yet. And new clothes shopping!
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ReplyDeleteGrowing up, my mom always took my picture on my first day of school. The tradition continues in my own family now.
ReplyDeleteStill remember that first day of school...!rst Grade... My mom buttoning my shirt...I still remember those uniforms...I think I always used uniforms...and I didn't like them much
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Oh, so long ago lets see, I actually have a good long term memory it is the short term i'm missing lol. So I remember my mom making me where a stupid knit stocking hat everysingle day. "you better keep your ears and feet warm or you'll catch pnemonia" how dare she mess up my perfect hair I worked on for about 30minutes in the mirror!I would get downstairs, step around the corner and off came that hat. Then I would walk to the corner store and buy a package of "Hostess snowballs" with my lunch money and proceed to walk to school skipping and laughing cuz I thought I got one over on her.
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ReplyDeleteThe men's MBT Kifundo is a rugged, outdoors [B][URL=http://www.mbtplus.com/]mbt shoes review[/URL][/B] style addition to the MBT boot collection this year, and has become [U][B]mbt shoes cheap[/U][/B] one of the most searched for boots in the whole collection. Being [B]MBT[/B] rather new, I expect that we [U][B]mbt shoes clearance[/U][/B] will here a lot more about this footwear in the [U]mbt discount shoes[/U] months to come.
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So if you are looking for a healthy [B]MBT shoes[/B] way to get in shape this winter season, give the MBT Kifundo [U][B]mbt sneakers[/U][/B] hiking boots a look. You can find them in local boutique retailers, but your [U][B]mbt shoes cheap[/U][/B] best bet as far as finding the widest variety of styles is [B]discount mbt shoes[/B] to look for them online. Most offer free shipping and free returns if you don't like them. They range in [U]mbt shoes review[/U] price, but are usually found for a little over two [U]mbt shoes clearance[/U] hundred dollars.
We had a GIANT rock in our front yard where every year we had to take our first day of school photo. Cute, until you're about 17. Even more embarrassing? Doing it before you leave for college.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite school memories are going shopping with my mom. She would take each one of us by ourselves and we would get to pick where we wanted to go for lunch.
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ReplyDeleteI remember going shopping with mom for school supplies - all those lovely new notebooks and a new pencil box :)
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I remember shopping for new school clothes. And I remember the year I got to shop for my clothes myself!
I remember getting to pick out a new lunch box every year.
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I remember having a new pencil case and not knowing what the protractor was used for until many, many years later.
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I remember my mom always taking me to the zoo the day before school started, I'm not sure why or how that tradition came to be but I loved it!
ReplyDeleteI also remember collecting as many pencils as I could before school started so that I never ran out lol!
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I vividly remember getting my hair cut for 1st grade. I had long long hair and my Mom brought me to her hair dresser and dropped me off because he was a friend. Ther e was a dress shop next door and there was a great sale (something my mom could never resist). The hair dresser asked what i wanted and I said a pixie
ReplyDeleteI vividly remember my Mom dropping me off at her hair dresser. He was a friend. It was for my kindergarten hair cut and I was so excited! I had very long hair. She ran next door to a dress sale (she was a sucker for a sale at this shop). The hair dresser asked what to do and I asked for a pixie! My Mom only wanted a trim. She walk in and almost dropped! My Dad was so mad! I have to laugh now! I loved it!
ReplyDeleteSorry my five year old was playing with my computer.....was kindergarten so I am am glad he did! Reminds me HE needs a cut for kindergarten!
ReplyDeleteI remember that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that would gradually dissipate as I reunited with my friends.
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My most vivid back-to-school memories was shopping for back to school items in Watertown Newyork with my parents. If you are Canadian it's a big thing to go across the border especially as a child.
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I remember my first day of High School, which back then was actually 10th grade and not 9th like it is now. Our little country school combined with the "big city school" to form our High School. It was exciting to meet all the new people I'd be with for the next 3 years.
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ReplyDeleteI remember the bus stop as my most fondest memories. It was where I met my first friend and we always went to the bus stop about a half hour early because we would play games before school. We had so much fun..
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I remember waking up and making my own breakfast (I was in high school) and only when I sat down to eat it did I glance at the clock and realize that it was only 3:00 am, LOL!
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ReplyDeleteMy first memory was my first day at kindergarten. I waited and waited for that day and was glad to wave bye to my Mom. I stood there very confused why some kids were crying. school was not a place to cry, I love it and love it I went to school for 25 years and and thinking about more at 64. You can never know enough.
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ReplyDeleteMy grandmother cutting my bangs to the middle of my forehead so it wouldn't stay up cause it's too short but it looked absolutely ridiculous, I mean adorable, sitting a couple of inches past my eyebrows, :)
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I had broken my leg pretending to fly down the stairs and went to my first day of kindergarten in a cast!
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I loved finding out who my teacher would be and dressing really nice to make a good impression!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway :)
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Thank you for the giveaway :)
I remember going to our only "5 & Dime," shopping with my brothers and sister.
I distinctly remember back in 1966 getting to go to my grandma's neighbor's house and pick THE rug I wanted for my kindergarten "nap" rug out of the big chest of rugs she had made! (I can't tell you what I had for lunch yesterday, but this I remember!)
ReplyDeleteI love the tortilla machine and the fresh warm torillas.
ReplyDeleteI vividly remember being read to in class and at the library.
My first day of psychology class in high school and knowing I was going to love it!
ReplyDeletetvollowitz at aol dot com
The first day of school was the only time of year that I was guaranteed a BRAND NEW BOX OF CRAYONS! How in love was I cracking open the box and seeing those lil beauties all clean and fresh standing straight, waiting for my imagination to take us away to faraway lands.
ReplyDeleteI remember my first day of first grade. I was so excited. I had on my favorite dress, which my mom saved and I still have, carrying my little book bag and lunchbox.
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i remember the excitement of my 1st day of school outfit...i always needed something new and "cute" cough cough
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ReplyDeleteThe first year of high school there was a bus drivers strike so everyone had to find rides to school. For two weeks of school you didn't need parking permits.
ReplyDeleteexcited about first day - its amazing
ReplyDeleteI remember being so excited to go school clothes shopping! Not only did I get new duds but I got to spend time with my mom and we went out to eat someplace fun while out shopping.
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I vividly remember my mom accompanying me for my first day of school (kindergarten). When we got to the school, she watched me walk to class - I felt so nervous but also brave :)
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I was in 5th grade and my best friend and I both got new eye glasses. We would purposely forget them and the teachers would make us go home and get them. we both lived across the stree from the school but we dawdled on the way! lol!
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I remember my daughter's 1st day back to school in the 3rd grade. She had been promoted from 1st to 3rd, they double promoted her. She walked into class and was of course the youngest one there, but that didn't bother her, she was more upset because the woman who was her teacher told her as soon as she walked in that she didn't believe in double promoting, no matter how smart the kid was and she didn't feel my daughter belonged in her class with older kids. Needless to say with an attitude like that she was immediately transferred to another teacher.
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ReplyDeleteFirst day of school my freshman year was a real eye opener. I got glasses and for the first time could really see in class!
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ReplyDeletethe opportunity to meet or welcome new kids to school
ReplyDeleteI remember back to school shopping with my mother--needing that certain TV binder or lunchbox!
ReplyDeleteI loved back to school shopping and when we were done I would be in my room and lay out all my stuff. My new lunchbox, supplies and clothes. It made me excited for the new year.
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Racing from the airport to get home and then off to my oldest daughter's first day of preschool and then she cried in the bathroom at school and did not want to go. (She ended up going and was happy.)
ReplyDeletelaura at letiecq dot org
My vivid memories were me being excited to wear my new clothes that my mother bought me and catching up with my friends.
ReplyDeleteI always liked the first day of school, new teacher, new school supplies and it was exciting to see if my best friend would be in my classroom.
I always loved the new textbooks the first day of school. I would allow my mother to dress me in whatever humiliating outfit she wanted me to wear the first day of school, and then I would wear whatever I chose the rest of the year.
ReplyDeleteI don't have that many vivid memories I think I blocked them out because I was always soooo nervous. I think the one main memory was starting a private school in a new state, the class size was SO small and so everyone wanted to know who the new kid was and was so friendly. I never felt more relaxed on a first day
ReplyDeletehippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
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ReplyDeleteIn elementary school I remember waiting every year for the postcard to arrive telling us which teacher we had for the next school year. The card would arrive and we would run around the neighborhood seeing if any of your friends were in the same class.
the excitment of seeing friends I had not seen all summer and catching up on all the details of vacations had
ReplyDeleteI stood on the edge of the elementary school property waiting for my best friend to get there. Someone tapped me on the back. It turns out I hadn't even recognized her when she walked by a moment before because she had gotten glasses and a perm!
ReplyDeleteI don't really have any memories of certain "first days". Family moved around and I started a new school almost every year. Years and years of the same thing; being the new kid in school.
ReplyDeleteI was always apprehensive if not downright scared on the first day of school every year. I would be dressed in a new outfit and have a new denim cloth binder with plenty of notebook paper, pens and pencils and several spiral notebooks.
ReplyDeleteMy freshman year in high school I had just moved to town the week before. I was SO excited to attend my new school and meet new friends. I had a great time in high school.
ReplyDeleteMy dad always worked double shifts in order to make ends meet. we would leave for school an hour before he got home from working the late shift. On my first day of school he showed up after school started. He asked the teacher almost under his breathe if he could see me outside for a minute. He then said that i couldn't go toschool and have a proper day without him saying he loves he. I will never forget!
ReplyDeleteI forgot to mention that my email account is spmartin122@gmail.com
ReplyDeletei remember being so nervous! thanks for the great giveaway! back to school is so hard, especially when it's a new school
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ReplyDeleteI would always take extra care on how I looked on day 1 (High School). For elementary, I just remember seeing friends the first day back. I was so excited!
I always enjoyed our back to school shopping when I was a kid. We used to get to pick out a new notebook and lunchbox every year. I also liked putting our school clothes on layaway and then going to pick them up just before the school year started. It felt like Christmas!
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ReplyDeleteliving at the beach in so cal...going back to school was always hard because i would not be able to surf in the morning...that stopped when i got to hs and took it as a pe class
ReplyDeleteI was always so scared and nauseous that I would literally shake all day until the first day was over with. I also had nightmares about not being able to find either my locker or my classroom for weeks before school started.
ReplyDeleteAlicia Webster
I remember the excitement of catching up with friends about what everyone did over the summer!
ReplyDeletesksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
i don't have any memories that are ultra-vivid but I do remember enjoying the back to school supply shopping trips and picking out what designs I wanted on my folders and notebooks
ReplyDeleteI remember I wanted a pair of Go Go boots so bad in the 2nd grade. I picked a bright red pair and wore them with every outfit, no matter the color. I have pics to prove it!
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ReplyDeleteI remember sliding down the school hills in the snow
ReplyDeleteI remember the year one girl wore a white blouse and bra.
ReplyDeleteI don't have memories of my own back to school days but I remember when my son got off the bus after his first day at Kindergarten and My Mom and I were there to greet him and take his picture, but he stomped home without talking to us!
ReplyDeleteI remember back-to-school clothes shopping and trying to find the perfect 1st day of school outfit.
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I remember going shopping for a new outfit for school, and then begging my mom to let me wear it "just once" before school started.
ReplyDeleteI remember starting middle scholl at a new school and making friends the minute i got there. I was so nrevous. bukaeyes@aol.com
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