There are a handful of sites that I think have a good variety of stuff for kids; Educational Warehouse is one of them. It has arts and crafts kits and supplies, software, books, puzzles, stickers, kids' gear and more. Plus you can search for stuff by grade, age, price, brand—pretty much every category except "Stuff that won't bore my kid after five minutes."
They also sell those great watch-an-insect grow kits. We successfully tried the butterfly one last year, but I just got the kids Ladybug Land and noticed tonight that the last ladybug had kicked the bucket. Which means that I am now a ladybug killer, besides already being a goldfish killer, and critter sites around the web are going to start featuring "Wanted" posters of me. Above, the kit I have my eye on because it looks like fun to paint and we're all fascinated by birds in this family and I don't think I will harm any birds with it.
Educational Warehouse is offering up a $100 shopping spree to one of you, plus free shipping. To enter, just leave a comment below about the kind of stuff your kid most loves playing with lately. Max is obsessed with toy trucks, Sabrina with Barbies. They are such cliches, my kids.
Note, you must leave your e-mail if yours isn't on your blog, or you will not be able to win. Not even some not-alive ladybugs.
BONUS entries: After you leave your main comment, you can leave a separate one for each of the following that you have done:
• Follow LoveThatMax on Twitter.
• Tweet about this giveaway and leave a comment with your Tweet time stamp (translation for Twitter newbies: click on the time below the Tweet, which shows you the URL). Try this Tweet: Win a $100 shopping spree for your kid at Educational Warehouse from @LoveThatMax, http://lovethatmax.blogspot.com #giveaway
• Subscribe to the To The Max feed; you can do that here, or another way, and leave a comment saying how you subscribed.
• Follow this blog on Blogger.
• Join the To The Max fan page on Facebook.
• Add my button to your blog and post a link to your blog in the comment below.
• Blog about the giveaway on your blog or website, and link back to here. Leave a comment below with the URL to the post.
• Come to our house and resuscitate our ladybugs.
From now till May 31, you can also get twenty five percent off at Educational Warehouse by entering the code Max25 at checkout. Woo hoo, my little boy is a CODE!
This giveaway is open until Friday, April 30, 11:59 EST, and is for United States and Canadian residents. I will announce the winner on this blog the next day and alert you by e-mail. Good luck!
Update: The winner is Kim! Enjoy.
I do love a giveaway! My daughter loves anything textured or that vibrates. She also loves beads and music. My older boy is very active right now and sadly not as into toys as he once was, but he does like science and craft kits. My eight year old still loves his action figures, soldiers and such, and he loves to draw comics.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I forgot to tell you that I am already on FB and my email is elsophie at gmail dot com.
ReplyDeleteGabriella LOVES worms right now? We're in the middle of doing a huge landscape project in our backyard and there are many of them around and apparently they're the next best thing to bunnies (her other favorite as of now). Yuk- I know, but hey, it's surprising what you can teach a three year old about just from worms. Life cycles, sustainability, empathy... :) Thanks for the giveaway opportunity Ellen.
ReplyDeleteChristine & Gabriella
My daughter loves to play with tupperware. I don't know why I buy toys :P
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog. Forgot to add email aedykstra at gmail
ReplyDeleteI subscribe to your blog in google reader. I enjoy your midnight posts with my 6am cup of tea
ReplyDeleteI'm so going to order from them.
ReplyDeleteMy son loves tractors and my girl just anything buggy, at least right now.
I follow you.
ReplyDeleteJust finished my post on my blog. Very cool giveaway.
ReplyDeleteLilB loves musical toys and rattles still. we're trying to move away from rattles though.
ReplyDeleteNB loves his robot Elmo toy, whatever it's called, that was all the rage last year. he is fascinated with it
of course, you're in my Reader :)
ReplyDeleteMy little girl loves dinosaurs, chickens, and all other animals right now.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter is totally into horses right now--or any building type things, like legos, etc...the expensive kits seem to attract her the most:)
ReplyDeleteI tweeted:) quinnschilling
ReplyDeleteWin a $100 shopping spree for your kid at Educational Warehouse from @LoveThatMax, http://lovethatmax.blogspot.com #giveaway less than 5 seconds ago via web
I followed Max's Fan page:)
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ReplyDeleteI subscribe (in my reader)
ReplyDeleteI have your button in my sidebar, of course! http://faithfamilyandfun.com/
ReplyDeletelove the giveaway. We follow you on facebook and twitter!
My daughter's fav things right now are dinosaurs and puzzles...oh and anything dogs, always dogs haha
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my son loves playing with cars, trains and ball. Lately is wanting to "run with the puppies" too which is wii fit running.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter loves the books and music
follow you on twitter.
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ReplyDeleteAwesome store! Thanks for the contest....off to shop!
ReplyDeleteMy granddaughter loves anything with loud music and my grandson loves anything with wheels, especially trucks.
Why did you change the name of your Blog? 'To The Max' is genius!!!
ReplyDeleteMy oldest loves to use her hands to make stuff...from being a fingerpainting project to decorating a birdhouse to stringing beads...My youngest can spend hours...I mean HOURS doing puzzles or looking at books.
I follow on Facebook
My daughter is obsessed with dinosaurs, of all things, right now! I was very shocked when she begged for a box of dinos, but got them for her nonetheless. It's been very educational though! We went to the bookstore and bought a bunch of dinosaur books and she is hooked!
I follow you on twitter!
Twitter: MikaylasMom24
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Michelle Carter
I am already subscribed to your feed!
ReplyDeleteMichelle Carter
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ReplyDeleteMichelle Carter
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ReplyDeleteMichelle Carter
I already have an ad to your blog on my blog.
ReplyDeleteMichelle Carter
I'll be at your house in 5 minutes for the ladybugs! hahaha :)
ReplyDeleteMichelle Carter
I blogged about your giveaway!
Michelle Carter
my son is all thomas the train right now...we even have season passes to an amusement park and all he wants to do there is play with their thomas table in the gift shop!
rss subscriber
ReplyDeleteanything that you play with outside.
ReplyDeleteMy son loves legos.
ReplyDeleteMy little girl loves to play with anything soft.
ReplyDeleteMy little one loves balls. All balls. And crayons.
ReplyDeleteMy kids like craft projects.
ReplyDeleteI follow you on twitter. I'm sjdio.
ReplyDeleteI tweeted: http://twitter.com/SJDio/status/12718335567
ReplyDeleteOne of my sons loves airplanes and rockets, and the other loves letters/shapes/numbers.
ReplyDeleteI'm also following you on Google Reader.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm also following you on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter loves stuffed animals or things she can hold and love, and use her imagination
ReplyDeleteMy boys loves to find big earthworms and then move them to a new spot... jackie.kaufenberg@gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI am also following you on twitter with the name @easystand I work for this company and we make standers kids kids who use wheelchairs jackie.kaufenberg at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteMy daughter loves dolls and cats, often she confuses the two and dresses her stuffed cats in doll clothes. My little Max is a car man...well it is more about trucks. Trucks and egg carton. That boy loves a egg carton.
ReplyDeleteI joined the Facebook page. I thought I already had...but I didn't look like it so I did again!
ReplyDeleteMom's of Max have to stick together! My Max is 3 1/2 with unexplained muscle issues and a host of other things. MRI and Spinal tap on Monday, good times!
My son loves toys that have lots of buttons and listening to music.
ReplyDeletetayanita at juno dot com
follow on blogger
ReplyDeleteMy daughters (age 3) both love playing with wooden blocks and their play dishes.
I follow Love that Max on twitter @thesehappydays
ReplyDeleteI tweeted: http://twitter.com/thesehappydays/status/12729851843
ReplyDeletehis new swingset.
tesnjen at aol dot com
I follow you through Google Reader
ReplyDeleteMy 17 month old daughter has been playing with her chatter telephone all week. She's enjoying pulling it around the house (upsidedown of course) and chewing on the cord. She also has started paying more attention to her little toy piano. It's got 4 chunky keys and she likes to carry it around and bang on the keys.
ReplyDeletehotpepper71 at bell south dot net
following on twitter as SnowflakeDay
ReplyDeletetweeted: http://twitter.com/SnowflakeDay/statuses/12732561817
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ReplyDeleteour "imagination time" is always filled with dragons, pegasus, and horses galore.
ReplyDeleteWe just went to Toys R Us today to get our little Jack some new toys as he seems to be getting bored with his current selection. He seems to like puzzles still...and anything he can bang on to get noise! our daughter (7.5) loves Littlest Pet Shop still.
ReplyDeleteI subscribe via google reader. Did you see the PBS special "Through a Dog's eyes"? It was great show about service dogs for people with disabilities, and features a few different kids with CP.
ReplyDeleteMy 2 kiddos love playing in their play kitchen, they're always whipping up new imaginary culinary creations for mommy to try!
ReplyDeletekimhigueria at gmail dot com
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My tweet:
My son loves playing dress-up. I bought him a bunch of halloween costumes that he enjoys putting on an becoming the character.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter loves anything to do with art (paint, markers, scissors, etc.). She's also really loving her dollhouse, lately.
ReplyDeletejennifereladd at yahoo dot com
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ReplyDeletejennifereladd at yahoo dot com
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ReplyDeletejennifereladd at yahoo dot com
Lately my son loves playing with legos.
ReplyDeletemami2jcn at gmail dot com
I follow Love That Max on Twitter @mami2jcn.
ReplyDeletemami2jcn at gmail dot com
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I joined your Facebook page (Mary Happymommy).
ReplyDeletemami2jcn at gmail dot com
My kids are currently going through an obsessive Mr. Potato Head phase right now!
my grandson loves cars and trucks at his current stage
We are about all things arts and crafts. This summer will be full of masterpieces.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter loves playing with her little plastic dinosaur toys! She ignores her barbies lol.
ReplyDeleteI tweeted the giveaway!
I subscribed via Google Reader!
ReplyDeleteI'm your FB fan (Kristen H)
ReplyDeleteMy kids love anything on wheels! They also love drawing. And my little baby loves to drool!
My son loves making and building things himself, while my daughter just loves to do whatever her big brother does
he loves playing outside & playing cars!
ReplyDeleteautumn398 @ yahoo.com
My niece loves playing outside--chalk, riding bikes, throwing balls!
I know CPR! I could come recussitate the ladybugs for you...but not the fish. I don't like fish!
My baby loves to play with anything that writes, whether on paper or walls!
ReplyDeleteI follow you on Twitter (@EcoBlogz)
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ReplyDeleteMy 2 year old grandson is obsessed with trucks and anything that goes. My nearly 4 year old granddaughter loves her art supples. The older grandsons are (too)in love with videogames. They all like to play outside though!
ReplyDeletesmchester at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter as ptowngirl.
ReplyDeletesmchester at gmail dot com
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ReplyDeletesmchester at gmail dot com
My oldest daughter is into softball. We homework and softball she doesn't have much time for anything else. My youngest loves her stuffed animals. I always stuffed animals were a waste of money but not now. My youngest just adores them. Thankyou!
ReplyDeletesign me up
ReplyDeleteMy daughter (5 months) will pretty much play with anything she gets her hands on :)
ReplyDeletethecouponcorner at me dotcom
ReplyDeletethecouponcorner at me dotcom
I follow on blogger!
ReplyDeletethecouponcorner at me dotcom
Kyle likes legos and blocks, anything he can build with. Sidney likes crafts such as making jewelry out of clay and beads.
ReplyDeleteI tweeted http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/12797068821
ReplyDeleteGreat store and fb fallower
ReplyDeleteMy daughter loves her dolls and stuffed animals
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance.
My oldest (14) likes to play bass guitar, my daughter (6) likes barbies, dolls, and loves crafts, and our baby (almost 6 months) well he just plays with baby toys and us.
ReplyDeletelovelyritaann at sbcglobal dot net
I follow Love That Max on Twitter @lovelyritaann
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ReplyDeletelovelyritaann at sbcglobal dot net
I joined to the max fan page on Facebook (LovelyRita Ann)
ReplyDeleteMy daughter most loves her barbie doll.
ReplyDeleteMy 5 year old granddaughter loves crafty things - she was painting magnets to hang on the refrig yesterday; the 2 1/2 year old granddaughter loves the Brix Blocks.
ReplyDeleteMy son loves Lego more than anything else, but he also enjoys doing arts and crafts and painting.
ReplyDeletejentam777 AT gmail DOT com
I'm following you on Twitter. (jentamar)
ReplyDeletejentam777 AT gmail DOT com
I'm following your blog.
ReplyDeletejentam777 AT gmail DOT com
My kids are big into Legos right now.
ReplyDeleteHere's the thing about Ladybug Land. I have it too and thought all my ladybug larvae were dead. Then, a couple days later, they started showing up alive as ladybugs. I give you this link in hopes that yours are hiding as well. Or zombie ladybugs, like mine.
I followed you on twitter too.
ReplyDeleteMy kids are 15 and 12, but believe it or not they've both been really enjoying making and dressing up in costumes lately!
ReplyDeleteCrafting kits
ReplyDeletethrouthehaze at gmail dot com
facebook fan-Rae Pavey
ReplyDeletethrouthehaze at gmail dot com
my daughter is studying to be a teacher-she would love this!
ReplyDeletemine love books and crafts
ReplyDeletethanks for all your giveaways.. but especially thanks for this one!! great website!
ReplyDeleteso Eric loves anything with wheels, trucks, cars, the bus, even his gator has wheels. other latest interest is lids.
thanks ellen!
my email: ospina21@yahoo.com
kids most loves playing with pool toys
ReplyDeleteMy daughter likes playing wither her leapster 2 right now and barbies and anything arts and crafts
Following Love That Max on twitter
Tweet http://twitter.com/86_angel/status/12843205948
My daughter loves making almost anything to do with wax, beads, paint, wool, or you name it.
My boys love playing with anything that has to do with super heroes
ReplyDeletemskabich (at) gmail (dot) com
I tweeted
ReplyDeleteWin a $100 shopping spree for your kid at Educational Warehouse from @LoveThatMax, http://lovethatmax.blogspot.com #giveaway
I added your rss feed (atom)
ReplyDeleteOur 18 month old,Cheyenne loves her baby doll.Oh,she likes all our dogs toys too.
ReplyDeleteWe are big into blocks and anything that rolls right n ow.
ReplyDeleteI'm a goldfish killer too! My daughter loves crafts. Anything that involves paint and glitter.
ReplyDeleteI tweeted! http://twitter.com/thienkim/statuses/12859762829
ReplyDeletekismtoys at gmail dot com
lately my son loves anything to do with trains and Elmo. He pretty much has to have one or the other everywhere he goes!
ReplyDeleteapsychmommy at gmail dot com
following you on twitter
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ReplyDeletegot your button on my site at www.apsychmommy.com
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ReplyDeletetweet! http://twitter.com/aPsychMommy/status/12862180082
ReplyDeletefire trucks
My dear son loves star wars figures and my little lady just wants to play with "bay-bees" She's one :)
ReplyDeleteliz @ lizhasalife.com
Following you on twitter!
ReplyDeleteliz @ lizhasalife.com
Tweeted it!
liz @ lizhasalife.com
Following on blogger :)
ReplyDeleteliz @ lizhasalife.com
My son loves to build -- he loves lego, magnetics, kinex, etc... I would love to win. Thanks for the chance :)
ReplyDeleteMy kids are on a huge clay kick! Anything clay, all different types. They also love gluing things(bonus points if it's something they shouldn't be gluing).
ReplyDeletewiredalive at hotmail dot com
Thanks for this chance! I would love to buy toys to try with my niece and nephew. Since I am a full time student I don't get to spoil them like I'd like to.
ReplyDeleteMy son loves to play with tools, cars and construction vehicles.
ReplyDeletekowandamcbride at yahoo dot com
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ReplyDeletekowandamcbride at yahoo dot com
My grandson loves putting things together, legoes and building blocks will keep him occupied for hours.
ReplyDeleteI follow on twitter
ReplyDeletemy nephew loves playing with his Justice League action figures.
ReplyDeleteplur268 at yahoo dot com
What a great give-away!! My 2 year old daughter loves playing marching band with her musical instruments and hats. She also loves her trains!
ReplyDeleteMy baby girl currently loves to play with her scissors the most. That is, she loves to cut things out of magazines and make collages.
ReplyDeletemelanie at modernmami dot com
Following on twitter.
ReplyDeletemelanie at modernmami dot com
tweeted! http://twitter.com/modernmami/status/12877230363
ReplyDeletemelanie at modernmami dot com
Became a fan on facebook.
ReplyDeletemelanie at modernmami dot com
Right now my daughter is into this giant creepy doll that her grandmother (read: not MY mother) got her for her last birthday. My son is into whatever he shouldn't be playing with.
ReplyDeleteMaggie at tethered mommy dot com
I tweeted:
Maggie at tethered mommy dot com
I’m a fan/”like” you on Facebook. (Maggie D C)
ReplyDeleteMaggie at tethered mommy dot com
mine LOVES legos right now!
ReplyDeletetwitter follow u - kgail11
ReplyDeletehttp://twitter.com/Tastelikecrazy/status/12880853056 :)
ReplyDeleteWe have been loving to play with rocks outside - maybe a geologist on our hands? seraphou@aol.com
ReplyDeleteMy kids love crafts and my son love anything and everything having to do with nature!
ReplyDeleteI follow you on Twitter (PBinmyHair)
ReplyDeleteMy 3 year old son is into Pirates... he dresses like them, talks like them etc.
ReplyDeleteMy 2 year old daughter loves her babydoll!
Claire loves anything to do with dinosaurs. Henry is anything music, but especially this piano with a microphone that he got for Christmas. William has a obsession with markers.
ReplyDeleteIf it's any consolation we have managed to exterminate several colonies of sea monkeys ;)
I follow you with google reader!
ReplyDeleteI'm a fan on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteLately my kids have been busy playing on the trampoline and riding their bikes.
ReplyDeleteMy son is big into building with anything he can find. Lately his favorite building material has been the blocks from our Jenga game and Wii game cases.
ReplyDeleteMy son is really into his science kit and my daughter is learning how to ride her little bike.
ReplyDeletekatiekarr at gmail dot com
with the weather change to nicer weather both girls are all about being outside as much as possible!
My son is climbing on everything these days. And my little girl loves her baby doll :)
ReplyDeleteMy sons love cars and trains!
ReplyDeletefollowing on twitter as @unellie
ReplyDeleteMy son loves anything that is from the movie Cars!
ReplyDeleteI follow this blog on blogger
ReplyDeleteI follow To The Max fan page on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteWhat we're playing with? HA. Star Wars. Anything and everything Star Wars. And Legos. And when we can combine them, my ASD boy is so happy.
ReplyDeletemy older son loves books my little son loves cars and animals and my daughter likes dolls and cars my baby likes his paci
ReplyDeleteShe is really into painting stuff. We go to the craft store and get small wood objects or ceramic pieces for her to paint
ReplyDeletedwalline at gmail dot com
I follow on twitter im @dwalline