I've been living in the past for the last few days, ever since I went to a high school reunion on Sunday night and reconnected with old friends who are now my new Facebook bffs. (Hi, Varda! Hi, Kelly! Hi, Marlene!). Notice I am not telling you which h.s. reunion, although perhaps the height of my hair gives it away. It was surreal to see people I haven't seen for such a long time. It didn't make me feel old or anything, because I'm never going to be old, but it did make me realize how fast life goes by.
Best bio line ever, from a guy: "I'm fat, but I still have all my hair."
I was a little disappointed that nobody commented on how much less poufy my hair was. What can I say except there weren't really great hair products back in high school; left untamed, my hair rose to those heights of its own accord.
We traded notes on life, kids (general consenus: Max and Sabrina are cute), memories. People looked great. The guys had generally aged more than the women did, probably because they weren't wearing foundation and Spanx (well, I'm assuming none of them wore them, but you never know). Poor Dave, I dragged him along and then abandoned him at the sushi bar as I flitted around like a social butterfly on speed; there were a lot of people to catch up with.
In general, I've found that most people either love reunions (me) or consider them only slightly more tolerable than a visit to the dentist. Where do you fall?
I haven't been to any reunions so I'd have to say I'm not crazy about them. Thanks to FB I can connect with those that I really would like to hear from again.
ReplyDeleteWell, I dropped out of high school and then snuck into college early, but I really didn't graduate so I can't do the HS reunion. My college class was too big to know, but my law school class was about 125 folks, most of whom still live here. At our 10th year reunion, a smug bastard who I never liked much came up to me to comment that I was the first judge out of our law school class, and honestly said "So, political appointment?" I stared him straight in the eye and said "I like to think I earned the job on merit alone." I don't think that experience fully outweighed the fun of catching up with those I liked, but now that I have kids I don't know that I'll make time for weasels I never liked before. Unless I lose a zillion pounds, then, maybe. My hair alone may be reason to stay away. My hair also expands, Ellen!
ReplyDeleteOk,Ellen sorry,I didnt say your hair was less poufy? But i think my hair was more poufy in those days!!:/ As for reunions-fb has def. taken away the suspense of "what do they look like?" and "what are they doing with themselves?" Yet,after debating... Im glad I went- because there are still things you cant see, yet say on fb! Im so glad to be one of your new bffs on fb:-)))
ReplyDeleteIck Ellen! I wouldn't go if you dragged me kicking and screaming wiht death threats! No thank you, friend! But glad you had fun....
ReplyDeleteThe dentist is more fun than a reuinion. I guess you have to have liked high school to enjoy them.
ReplyDeleteI think your high school hair has style!
I miss your big hair!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to my college reunion this summer! Can't wait to see all the baldies and fatties!!!
I had to get perms for hair just like yours! lol Maybe we graduated the same year because my (our) reunion is this year also. I dont think hubby wants to go but I think it would be a hoot. It feels like high school was a lifetime ago. I think it would be fun to 'remeet' people who you have at least one thing in common with. Might be a good networking opportunity. Not for jobs but for playmates, therapists, lobbyists. Ya just never know. Hell just a good excuse to have Mom watch the lil guy!!
ReplyDeleteI can tell from your photo that you are younger than me. I worked two hours a day to get my hair big & poufy. I had some great mall bangs. Anyway, I have never been to a reunion and I lived in the same town where I went to high school for many years. I might to my 40th, not the 30th though.
ReplyDeleteOh hellz no--I do NOT do reunions. I went to all-girls school and the reunions are all-girls and that just does not sound like a fun way to spend an evening. Maybe when I'm sixty. . .
ReplyDeleteHow appropriate I should read this today. My 10-year HS reunion is coming up this summer, and I can't decide if I want to go or not.
ReplyDeleteI don't think they'll be for me, I have a "big one" coming up next year, I think. I went to homecoming once. That was enough for me, at least for now.
ReplyDeleteI've never been to one, but am considering it this year. Not sure yet.
ReplyDeleteI didn't go to my 10 year reunion but my 20 is only a year away and I think I might go to that one.
ReplyDeleteI haven't been to one because we moved right before my senior year. I didn't make it into either school's long term plans I guess. On the other hand, I've got nothing but my memories of classmates as they were and that's not too bad.
ReplyDeleteLESS tolerable than a trip to the dentist. Well, maybe just slightly above a root canal. Ugh. No thank you.
ReplyDeleteWent to the 20th but not the 10th. The folks I liked back then are still nice. BTW - You do know that many woman submit to an amazing array of toxic chemicals for hair as curly and wonderful as yours?
ReplyDeleteWhat people don't talk about is the pain of withdrawal from the poufy do. "We're just not pretty without the do.."
ReplyDeleteHow did we ever survive the shift back?
For me, reunions are better than a dentist visit. I have a reunion coming up in March sometime- I cant wait! Its my first since I had the kids back in Oct and to be frank I'm looking forward it. My take on it is that you dont need to talk about CP, delays, spasticity or anything disability linked etc freely. Instead you just get to do something for yourself, sort of. I met my current partner at a reunion 4 years ago.