I've written before about the kids sleeping in our bed—on November 3, 2008, to be precise. I haven't said much about it since because nothing had changed.
But Dave and I were getting increasingly fed up. Two adults and two kids in a queen-size bed isn't all that fun, or conducive to good sleep. It's not conducive to lots of other stuff, either. So Dave and I came up with a plan.
First, I went to a local store and bought a Cloud B Twilight Turtle (above). I'd seen it advertised, and it looked cool. It projects a starry night sky onto ceilings and walls in three colors—blue, green and amber. Heck, I wanted one for me.
Then I ordered Pillow Pets. The kids had seen them on TV and were asking for them. Call us suck-ahs, call us desperate parents, whatever. We got Max the purple hippo, Sabrina the dalmatian.
Last, and this was Dave's brilliant/desperate idea, we blew up the Aerobeds we keep in the basement and put them in Max's room.
Then I told the kids that we would sell them to a traveling circus if they did not sleep in there.
OK, I didn't really.

In the last few weeks, the kids have happily gone to bed in Max's room. The Twilight Turtle stars and moon are mesmerizing—Sabrina likes to try and count them. The kids think the beds are fun, and the Pillow Pets are cuddly.
OK, so the kids still end up coming to our room in the middle of the night. But this is half the battle, won.
I asked The Cloud B peeps if they'd be game to spread the sleep love around, and they offered up two Turtles as giveaways, each worth $34.

Or you could get the ladybug version, if you'd like.
You can also get 15 percent off Cloud B products now through March 18, 2010, by using the code MAX-0210.
To enter, just leave a comment about your child's sleep habits...or lack of habits! Also, mention whether you'd like the turtle or ladybug.
BONUS ENTRIES: After you leave your main comment, do a separate comment for each of the following that you have done:
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• Tweet about this giveaway and leave a comment with your Tweet time stamp (translation for Twitter newbies: click on the time below the Tweet, which shows you the URL). You can use this Tweet: A #giveaway for parents of sleep-challenged kids: Win a Cloud B Sleep Turtle or Ladybug from @LoveThatMax, http://tinyurl.com/yknvam2
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This giveaway is open until Thursday, March 4, 11:59 p.m. EST, and is for U.S. and Canadian residents. I'll pick the winners via randomizer.org, announce the winners the next day, and alert you by e-mail. Good luck!
No kids of my own yet, but an auntie to two little ones who can't seem to sleep if my sister isn't with them! I think the twilight turtle looks like a brilliant way to make falling asleep fun.
ReplyDeleteThis post is really not for me but I love how generous you are... I've started passing on the awards I've received, started with the very first and you're one of th recipients. Please stop by to copy your award.
ReplyDeleteHorrible. Sleeper. (like, think newborn). I don't even want to get into details.
ReplyDeleteAj is a horrible sleeper. We alternate nights because we KNOW he *will* be up around 2-3 am for the day. Even on valium, melatonin and klonopin. God help us, I feel like my mind is bleeding... :)
ReplyDeleteBits is an awful sleeper, just awful. She rarely sleeps through the night, and at three, it's pretty exhausting. I could see something like the turtle or ladybug working, at least for a while :P
ReplyDeleteLove the pics of the kids, they look so content..and I'm so glad to read about other mommas with two kids in their queen bed *phew*
My daughter would sleep all day if I did not wake her. My son, on the other hand, requires very little sleep.
ReplyDeleteI have a 7 month old that sleeps great - as long as someone is holding him! Makes for some unproductive afternoons but he is CRANKY without a nap. He still sleeps in the pack n play in our room and sadly we shower in one of the other bathrooms just to avoid waking him. He only wakes up twice a night BUT is a pain to get back to sleep after a feeding... He loves staring at mobiles and thinks that every ceiling fan is a mobile - maybe we should attach something to each fan blade???
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ReplyDeletemy son is a really good sleeper, he has the occasional bad night with a few wakings or wanting a bottle, even though he is 14 months old. Otherwise he's a heavy sleeper and goes all night.
ReplyDeleteI like the lady bug.
Ellen, I sooooooo need that. I thought about buying them for the girls for Christmas and Jeff vetoed it for some reason.
ReplyDeleteMy girls sleep on the couch. Because there are "ghosts" in their room. GAH!!!
I want both, really ;), but the ladybug would match their room.
I aleady follow you on Twitter, but I just added Cloud B on Twitter and Facebook. And subscribed to your feed.
Chloe is the worst sleeper EVER... and loves lady bugs!!!
ReplyDeleteGracie does not sleep soundly and any little noise bothers her. The twilight turtle would be great for her!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter needs her closet light left on when she goes to bed and also listens to some quiet music. She goes to bed pretty well with those 2 things. She used to sleep with us every night until we went on vacation and she had her own bed. She's never tried to sneak in our room since. Best $1,000 we ever spent. Would love the ladybug.
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ReplyDeleteI've been eyeing up this turtle for Emma, but haven't found a local store that sells that. I didn't even know there was a ladybug! We have the Cloud B lamb that makes sounds but that doesn't help us since Emma is deaf. Didn't know she would be deaf when we were given it as a gift!
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ReplyDeleteBoth my daughters are pretty good about sleeping except when they are sick. My 5-year-old will occasionally wake me up in the middle of the night because she can't find her favorite stuffed animal - usually it's right under the covers.
ReplyDeleteEmily was a good sleeper until recently. She likes to wake up at least once a night (usually more). We live an apartment the size of a shoe box so she is in our room. Sometimes she will wake up crying and need comfort. Other times just wakes up and wants to hang out. The worst part is - she will grind her teeth until she falls back to sleep. The noise MAKES ME NUTS! I have tried putting cotton balls in my ears, but it does not block the sound. I have slept on the couch too - that does work, but isn't as comfy as my own bed.
ReplyDeleteThe turtle and lady bug look SO cool. We have a lady bug theme in Emily's crib right now. : )
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ReplyDeleteI follow your blog. I forgot to mention, we'd prefer the ladybug one. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteOur son's sleeping improved greatly after I found out, and figured out, that blanket weights just soothe him to sleep. I purchased semi heavy curtain tassles and sewed them into the 4 corners of his blankets. Presto. The "weight" of the blankets pulling down makes him sleep "awesomely." I was so surprised, when some years later, I saw an ad in the back of a magazine for "weighted" blankets. Wow. So, I'm not the only one this works for.
The regular kids sleep okay (for the most part), but the special needs kiddo? We're on 9+ years of little sleep, since he can't stay down for more than 2-3 hours at a time. He does puzzle the neuros.
well, mine are back in parents room, but mainly because of cold nights and being warm- hey body heat does wonders but the back hurts. Yep they need the turtle for sure.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter used to be a great sleeper and then she started walking...ugh...now she is impossible to get down at night. leenburke@yahoo.com
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ReplyDeleteMy son Sammy has trouble falling asleep and then about 3 am wakes up and gets in bed with my husband and me.
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ReplyDeleteMy little one is scared of the dark.
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog too on blogger and love it too. My daughter Ashley would love one of these for her room too.
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog too on blogger and love it too. My daughter Ashley would love one of these for her room too.
ReplyDeleteI would love the ladybug! My peanut doesn't sleep the night, she wakes up frequently. She is scared of the dark as well, so we have to leave her bedroom light on all night. This ladybug would be a great relaxation tool for her I think!
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ReplyDeleteMy God-nephew has trouble going to sleep at night, so he will stay up way past his bedtime (or even an adult's bedtime). So, his mother will put in his favorite movie, Up, and play it on repeat. He eventually falls asleep, though the time I witnessed it, it took the second time around for him to sleep.
ReplyDeleteIf I win, I'd like the turtle.
We read a story before bedtime and then we look out the window and say good night to the moon, stars, owl, neighbor and the its God Bless everyone. This seems to settle them down and sleeping isn't a problem.
ReplyDeleteMy girls are very into turtles so we would choose that one - but then again my oldest is in the ladybug preschool class. Hmmm...decisions decisions. I will cross that bridge if I get to it lol :)
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ReplyDeleteI tweeted and forgot to tell you I would like the turtle.
ReplyDeleteThe link to the tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/9648740990
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ReplyDeleteWe already have a turtle, but since we've separated our twins' sleeping rooms, I'd love to have a second one (the ladybug!)
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ReplyDeleteladybug please - my little one falls asleep on the couch every night and we carry him upstairs. He wakes up in the middle of the night and comes to our bed most nights. Haven't pushed too hard but trying to get him into better routine
ReplyDeletetvollowitz at aol dot com
My daughters are almost 6 (not twins--2 months apart). They sleep in sleeping bags next to our bed. They are adopted and are terrified we will not be there when they wake up. They used to go to bed in their beds and come in to our bed in the middle of the night, but they got too big and my arthritis couldn't take it anymore. This is the compromise. If these would help I would buy 20. I hope someday they realize we will always be there for them.
ReplyDeleteI have a 14 month old who slept in our full size bed until a month ago. She has a LOVE for turtles, and is afraid of the dark. I really feel like this would be a great solution to the problem.
Roa is 20 months and has slept 5 hours in a row twice! He still breastfeeds round the clock. I may be breastfeeding him as he graduates at the pace he takes in solids....
ReplyDeleteSob story, I know.
Melatonin, botox injections, HBOT, nothing helps this kid relax to SLEEP!
We just bought a new moon night light from IKEA. He LOVES light up things! That turtle would ROCK his little wide-eyed, bushy tailed socks off!
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I should know how to get my kids to sell. I have 5 after all. No such luck though, my almost 2 year old is still waking me up 2-3 times a night to nurse and snuggle my hair.
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ReplyDeleteI don't need the prize--we have a planetarium-astronomy thingy that projects the stars around the room, but I now don't feel bad about "quirky" sleeping arrangements!
ReplyDeleteLots of exercise works well to get 'em down--if they play hard, they're too tired to gripe for long. It helps to have a fenced yard to run around in and an ugly cardboard "fort" to play in on the porch!
I'd love the little turtle for my little one. Every time he gets sick, it's like we have to sleep train him all over again. This might help! Thanks!
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ReplyDeleteLove the turtle for my soon great nephew to be!
My neice Katy, will not sleep in her bed; she ends up curled up on the floor every night! I think she would love the Ladybug!
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So funny you posted about this I literally just googled that turtle yesterday! Two weeks ago we took Leah's beloved pacifier away and he sleep has been on and off. In the next month we'd like to transition her to a big girl bed (getting ready for baby #2) and I'm super nervous about how she is going to react. I thought I'd love to find something that projects a light show on the ceiling for her. Sure enough I googled the turtle and thought how great it would be...I also am highly considering the pillow pets! Thanks for a great review on both of them. I think i'm sold and hopefully Leah will be too! I'd love for her to transition easily since she was a fantastic sleeper before. She's still a good sleeper, just has a hard time falling asleep. The tears are heartbreaking!
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ReplyDeleteAnne Taylor or annectaylor1
I really love the ladybug. My child has no sleep habits other than total chaos! Thank you for the lovely giveaway.
We are about to move my two year old into the same room as my four year old and he needs a night light to sleep. The turtle would be a perfect solution.
My granddaughter goes to bed early but wakes up in the middle of the night around 2 AM. I like the Ladybug style.
I love the turtle! It is on my sis's baby registry. She is having alittle girl in June. Thanks for the chance.
You are so nice to do these giveaways! We have one that you might like - just posted www.knowledgesafari.com
ReplyDeleteIt is a toy consultation from special needs toy expert Mara Kaplan of Let Kids Play!
Just thought I would let you know!
me me me Mr T's name is simlar to to thurtie it would be a graet gift for his family
ReplyDeleteMy daughter likes both turtles and ladybugs!! :) It is so difficult to put her to bed at night.
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ReplyDeleteMy daughter sleeps fine -- as long as she is with me. She panics if not in constant contact with me. It's time for a new solution. Perhaps the turtle could be of assistance?
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ReplyDeleteMy daughter says she can't sleep and needs to get in my bed and comes prepared with her heart shaped Princess pillow and stuffed lamb. Grr.
ReplyDeleteNo kids of my own yet but my friend Ramonah has terrible problems with her infant sleeping so I would like this for her. I prefer the turtle but the ladybug would be nice too.
ReplyDeleteWell, my son is ADHD and it is so trying at times to get him to go to bed at night at a decent time. :(
My son's idea of going to bed consists of going from room to room seeing if anyone will let him sleep with them and then finally winding up on the couch.
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My precious kidlet is in her own bed, asleep by 8pm, with her favorite blanky and her thumb in her mouth. lol!
ReplyDeleteI would like the Ladybug!
I like them both but probably the turtle would be my favorite.
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ReplyDeleteMy little granddaughter is a bed hog and she steals the covers!
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Our Amelia is a stubborn night owl.She has a hardtime drifting off to sleep and returning to sleep after waking for her bottle.The ladybug night light would be perfect for helping to create a calm , pleasant environment for her .
ReplyDeleteLately my daughter has been (knock on wood and thank the Lord) sleeping like an angel. She goes right to sleep when we put her down and usually only fusses if her paccie gets out of reach. I would love to have one of these for that day (that I know is surely coming) that she decides she doesn't want to sleep so soundly any more.
ReplyDeleteI would pick the Ladybug.
4 kids. No sleep for 9 years. We have pillow pets. I'll try anything else. ANYTHING. (read my desperation)
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ReplyDeleteMy kids are long grown up but I know it would be a fun thing for me when I am so restless to look at stars on the ceiling. Maybe a whole new sleep therapy for adults. lol
ReplyDeleteMy youngest has to listen to music at night to help with sleep. Even when my oldest was younger he also used to listen to music.
ReplyDeleteI think the Twilight Turtle would be great and relaxing.
Thank you
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I gotta say that my kids sleeping habits are quite routine -- it's never a fight. My youngest son however is a light sleeper in the morning and is a early bird!!! Thanks for the great giveaway:)
ReplyDeleteOh mine are such night owls and it is so hard with the two in bunk beds to cut the chatter and get to sleeping. We would love the ladybug!
ReplyDeleteajcmeyer at go dot com
My little one really struggles to get through the night without waking up several times. She still needs to eat once during the night, but out of habit, she is still waking up about 3 times. It makes for some really tired parents!
ReplyDeleteI have BOTH of my kids sleeping in the room with me. Jailen actually sleeps in my bed, and Randi sleeps in her bed in my room. I'd love the LADYBUG!! :) Thanks for always doing cool giveaways...even though I haven't won any of them, they're still cool & exciting!
Jessica :)
My spectrum kiddo was my worst sleeper. I'm thinking that she'd LOVE this. Thanks for the opportunity.
ReplyDeleteMy kids would usually go to bed if I let them have a reading light on that they could clamp to a book. When they were asleep I'd take the book and light out of the bed. I love the turtle. They are both so cute.
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ReplyDeletethank goodness my kids never slept in our beds so we don't have that problem. My twins sleep in their room mostly through the night but I'm up every 3 hours with our newborn
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ReplyDeleteRight now - I have to leave their closet lights on to get them to sleep!
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My daughter has a terrible time keeping my grandsons in their room all night, maybe this nightlight would be helpfull.
oh wow, Sleep habits or as you say...Lack of...that would be my 8 year old, from the day we brought her home she has HORRIBLE sleeping problems, from night terrors, sleep walking, teeth grinding and flat out refusal to sleep maybe because of the monsters, to now that she is older it is because of the bears outside. Um we dont have any bears around where i live. I would LOVE to have the ladybug. The problem with her sleeping habits is that my youngest who WAS a great sleeper is starting to wake up because of her. Yipee!
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ReplyDeleteI am expecting my first baby this June and have this item on my registry. I love the idea of a sky full of stars above my baby as they fall asleep. I would love the turtle one.
ReplyDeleteMy 21 month old was still not sleeping through the night so we just switched him to a "big boy" bed. In the past two weeks he has slept through the night all but a couple of nights so I'm hoping this will work! He is such a wild sleeper!
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I love the Lady Bug.
ReplyDeleteMy grand daughter likes to sleep with someone. But I think she would sleep alone if she had a night light like this adorable Lady Bug.
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my daughter does not sleep...she is 16 months and only sleeps in 2 hour increments...I am desperate
ReplyDeleteykatrina at hotmail dot com
My sons are grown and on their own but when they were little they were good about going to bed and could sleep anywhere. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
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ReplyDeleteMy kiddo has lots of anxiety about going to sleep. Sometimes he's great; but sometimes, like last night, he woke up at 2:30 and didn't get back to sleep until 6, which messes up the day completely. The turtle is SO cool!
ReplyDeleteI'd like the turtle. My son is afraid of the dark. debsweeps4@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteMy daughter loves to look at her books before she falls asleep and I think this light would be the perfect thing to help and let her fall asleep after.
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ReplyDeleteMy daughter has a terrrrrrrrrible time getting to sleep every night. I think the turtle could really help her!
ReplyDeletekatiekarr at gmail dot com
Sleep...what is sleep? I have an 8 month old baby who will not sleep at night. Maybe if he was not alone he would sleep better if he had a new turtle friend.
ReplyDeleteOh Ellen - I am so glad you posted this and I could see we are not alone on the sleep issues. Next week we have a bunch of appointments to try and figure out if there is a physical reason that he is up 2-4 times a night. I can tell you that there is a reason he does not yet have a sibling :)
ReplyDeleteMy latest post on it - http://ikehappens.blogspot.com/2010/02/sleeping.html
If I won, I would love to give the Little Dude the turtle. At this point I am willing to try anything!
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ReplyDeleteoh those Cloud B animals look like a great idea - something I should try with Kayla.
ReplyDeleteShe USED to sleep perfectly - back when we lived in NM - no problems at night.
Then we moved to MD, then Joe deployed, then all that went downhill. She wakes up multiple times a night and I'm so tired of bringing her back to bed time after time after time. It's exhausting and I just want to sleep. So she ends up in bed w/me every.single.night. I know we're going to be in a world of hurt trying to break this habit when Joe is back and we're all living in SC (another move! another change of schools!) Sigh...
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ReplyDeletemy daughter is not a great sleeper she has gotten better I am preggo with my second child so I am hoping that my next one is better. amypugmire@live.com
ReplyDeleteI would love the turtle
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ReplyDeleteI follow u on twitter. 1amypugmire. amypugmire@live.com
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ReplyDeleteMy oldest son still sleeps with me with nightlight, which make it hard for me and the baby(who sleeps in his basinet nicely) to sleep. I like turtle one
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My neice feels it's necessary to go climbb in bed, now that there is a new baby in the house! This would make her happy and want to sleep in her own room! (Or unplug it and move it into mommy's room! hehe)
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ReplyDeleteStephanie Coldwell
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My little one is having trouble settling down to sleep due to just learning to stand up in her crib. I think she would love the turtle.
ReplyDeleteMy littest (18 mo) has trouble sleeping so I think the turtle could really help!
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My son hates to go to bed. He'll insist that he's not sleepy. Once he's in bed it can take anywhere from 10 minutes up to an hour for him to finally go to sleep. Once asleep he'll stay asleep most nights.
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