Although schools and banks are not closed in honor of National Delurker Day 2010, nor will there be fabulous celebratory barbecues or parades for those of you who choose to delurk, it would make me really happy to know who more of the readers of this blog are. It seems impossible that mother would set up a bunch of false accounts and leave all of the comments I read here, but I cannot be completely sure. It's not you, mom, is it?
Trust me, I also lurk, and I'm planning to go comment on some of those other blogs today.
So, come on, say something, whether you comment regularly or have never said a peep before. Say whatever you'd like—what you like about the blog, don't like, who you're mom (or dad!) to, that you love the color purple just like Max does, that you think I look very svelte in x-rays, anything you'd like.
Happy National Delurker Day!
I, myself, take my kids progress for granted which is something I shouldn't do. Will have a remedy soon shoul I win a $165 basket of Burt's Bees products from @LoveThatMax http://lovethatmax.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteWill give me one more reason to administer TLC :-)
In honor of NATIONAL DELURKER day, I am comming out of the lurking closet :D
ReplyDeleteI am a grandmother of an almost 7 yr old granddaughter. Her name is Sierra & she & my daughter live w/me.She has milld CP that mostly affects her legs(she wears braces)but has anxiety,OCD,ADD,and a whole lot of sensory issues. I connect w/this blog because they are so close in age & have many of the same issues. They are also very imaginative.I wouldn't trade life w/her for anything. Tell Max I LOVE the color purple too!
That's amazing that there is such a day!
ReplyDeleteMy name is Lisa and I work at a Pediatric Hospital in Canada. A good majority of the families I work with have a child with CP. I'm always looking for inspiring and motivating resources for our families and - your blog is one of them! Thank you for the commitment you have made to sharing!
I never lurk. I am just a mouthy old broad :)
ReplyDeleteI love your blog! And I need to be better at commenting and not just lurking around.
ReplyDeleteLove LOVE L-O-V-E your blog!! And of course, you look extremely svelte in x-rays! Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteWhile new, I'm generally outspoken. Apparently I have issues with keeping quiet.
ReplyDeleteI comment on your blog. I love the way you write. I like it that we both have 7-year-old little guys. I also really appricate the comments left by the other readers. Sometimes I agree w/ the post and/or comment, sometimes I don't -- but I am almost always left with something to think about.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Emily and I am mom to Jack, 1y. I lurk to get my 'adult' time in the evenings and have meaningful conversations (even if I am just reading) with amazing bloggers that my husband would never be able to participate in. I think it is a mom thing.
I hope my son enjoys purple as much as Max does.
Thanks for sharing your story, I learn a lot from you!
not sure I commented before.. I may have for a contest or two.
ReplyDeleteI kinda just stumbled on your blog and stayed ever since..
I enjoy the stories of your kids,and your humor and of Course I agree with Max that Purple is the best Color in the World!
Just found your blog a week or so ago when you guest blogged for Chrissy. Enjoying reading your writing and how honest you are about your kids. They are both adorable!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog regularly and comments occasionally but probably not often enough. It's great to read about an older kid with CP (my boys are only 2) and you are always interesting. Keep it up!
ReplyDeletei can't remember how i found your blog - maybe through a comment you made on another one... anyway. my name is alexandra and my daughter was born with an occiptal encephalocele undetected by ultrasound or amnio almost ten months ago. she had surgery to remove it immediately, and then five days later developed hydrocephalus as a result and was shunted. i had never heard any of these words before and it blew my damn mind.
ReplyDeletei have no idea how people dealt with things like this before the internet ;) because even though the doctors told me not to, i went straight there as soon as we came home. but i tried to avoid the horrific pictures and medical journals and instead only let myself read blogs. i can't even describe how much comfort and solace i found there. that's what doctors should say to people like me - go read blogs. no matter how rare the condition or diagnosis, there's one, or more, written by someone like you with a child like yours. and they will help when it seems like nothing else can.
my daughter is doing fantastically well now knock on wood. but i can't help feeling one of the reasons for that is that the blogs i read steered me back to myself and gave me the strength to suck up my own self-pity and deer-in-the-headlightsness and focus on helping her. your blog is the kind that can do that for people. keep it up! meanwhile, i'll keep reading it. max and sabrina are bad ass and you rock.
Hi there!!! I'm comment each time I come, I think!! I found you from Sarah at Class of 2008. Love reading your blog!!
ReplyDeleteI love this idea! I lurk alot. I need to practice leaving comments more often! I love reading your blog!
ReplyDeleteHi Max! :-)
ReplyDeleteNot sure how I linked to you originally. I think a giveaway:) Then, when I was worried about my daughter over Christmas, I came by--and you left a comment helping me to calm down! I've followed ever since & now, I love your stories and your fun attitude!
ReplyDeleteHi Ellen!
ReplyDeleteI've been reading your blog for about a year now, but I've never commented before. I should have, though! I found you through Robert Rummel-Hudson's blog (http://www.schuylersmonsterblog.com/). I read the guest post you did, went and check out your blog, and kind of got hooked on your adorable kids :). I'm a premedical student planning to become a pediatrician, and I feel like I've learned a lot from reading your and Rob's blogs . . . it's given me some idea of where parents of kids with special needs are coming from, what they worry about, what they are looking for (or definitely NOT looking for) in a doctor. Whether I decide to do primary care like the "Dr. G" you wrote about a little while ago, or whether I decide to specialize and work in a NICU/PICU, I know I will end up serving families of kids with special needs, so thank you in advance for all the valuable knowledge you have given me!
Aside from the learning value your blog has for me, it is so much fun to read! Your posts are hilarious and touching; sometimes both within the same post! I think that Max is a little champion, that Sabrina is a brilliant/feisty little firecracker, and that you are an amazing mom. I love reading about your family's adventures and Max's progress!
Whew . . that was really long . . . I think I made up for a whole year of not commenting with this one comment alone! Anyway, thank you for this wonderful blog, and I will try to leave more (and less wordy!) comments in the future.
Hello! I've been reading your blog for a few months. It's one of the few I read regularly, but I don't remember how I got here.
ReplyDeleteI don't recall how I found your blog...hmmm. Nope...still drawing a blank. I love to read about Max and Sabrina, they both seem like wonderful kids. Thanks for sharing them!
ReplyDeleteI just recently started doing a lot of blog-hopping, as time allows. I particularly seek out blogs of mama's who have kids with special needs for information and support. I'd seen yours mentioned a few times, so I made my way to your blog, and continue to be impressed with what I read.
ReplyDeleteI have a five year old son who suffered a brain injury due to complications in utero and at birth. As a result he has global developmental delays and microcephaly. He has particular difficulty with communication, cognition and sensory processing challenges. Yet, he's one of the hardest working little boys I've ever known, and I learn so much from him on a daily basis.
Although, between his atypical behaviors and his sister's very typical almost-two-year-old behaviors, there are times when I end the day absolutely exhausted. Heck, it's not uncommon to start the day that way. It's getting to be more manageable for me as they get older though.
By the way, tell Max I agree that purple totally rocks! :)
Ok...........Now that I am feeling lower than low I have to admit I think I am a blog lurker......I never meant to be it just happened. I have followed your blog for some time now and I have left comments but lately it seems all I ever do is read here and there and have not even posted to MY OWN BLOG since April.......I am WAY behind to the point I don't even know where or how to start back.
ReplyDeleteAnyway.....I'll do better about leaving the comments!
I haven't been able to comment much lately, but I'm still here reading! and purple really is my favorite color too :)
ReplyDeletelast week was actually international delurker WEEK. Also ellen, check out my post for the day. You're included!
ReplyDeleteI've just recently started commenting, but have been reading awhile. I'm mom to 2 year old Eddie, who has a genetic condition (atypical cri du chat syndrome) and PDD-NOS.
ReplyDeleteI am Delurkering...
ReplyDeleteI do not have a special needs child but admire, pray and bless those that do. Your blog sets my reality scale right and I need that sometimes. I love the fact that Max loves purple. My oldest daughter has always loved purple ... in fact picked, or so we think, a college that had purple colors. Sabrina makes me smile because she reminds me of my youngest daughter. That twinkle in her eye means something and that meaning only grows as she grows. My children have volunteered with special needs children since they were very young... ages 8 & 10. Now as young, very popular, woman they are friends with these special needs children and have bridged that gap in high school that I am sure parents must fear when they send their children to school with the general population. Will they be accepted? Will things be the same for them on some/any level? Will someone make fun of them? Will they feel different? I can not tell you have many times I have been stopped by teachers and parents saying how wonderful it is that Alexa & Jenna, my daughters, are with special needs children. It brings me to tears every time. Find that bridge... speical olympics is a great place to start there are so many volunteers of the same age that want to connect. My younger daughter started a program when she was in the 5th grade called Reading Buddies... She went to her teacher and the Multi Disabled teacher to arrange a time once a week while her class was having quiet reading and 3-5 kids would go to the Multi Disabled room and read to the kids. These were kids of the same age that sat with them, let them sit on their laps, laid with them on big pillows and just read. That alone bridged the gap for many kids. Some kids did not feel comfortable, and that is understandable. I am sure you have a trusted friend or babysitter that gives you that comfort... now imagine your child in a high school where they are the stars in the halls and everyone saying hi to you and not ignoring you. You would be surprised how many of those kids, now as seniors are preparing for college and their major? Speical Education. I applaud all of you that live your lives dedicated to your children and their well being. My prayers are with you.
Ellen... I am jealous... I want to write like you. You capture me and my heart every day. You have two ADORABLE children. Keep being the great parent you are...
Hey Ellen
ReplyDeleteI read your blog regularly, but have only commented once or twice before (when we both had brushes with fame and got filmed for a TV show). I am mum to Ashlea whose favourite colour is... green - although she calls it turtle - because her favourite toy turtle is green.
Reading your blog is probably one of the highlights of my day. I love reading about Max and Sabrina too for that matter!!! And just like Max my favorite color is purple! Hope You're having a great day.
ReplyDeleteI'm loving your blog! I teach special education and I love having the chance to read your perspective on the world of raising a child with special needs. It's so nice to be reminded of how our children are people with full, wonderful lives- it helps keep everything in perspective. Thank you for the great posts! Max sounds like a child I would absolutely adore teaching.
ReplyDeleteI try really hard not to lurk. It really bugs me! If you take the time to read someone's blog you should be polite and comment to let them know that they aren't blogging all alone! I thought about Max the other morning as we sat next to a tractor trailer that was purple. Faith couldn't take her eyes off of it!
ReplyDeleteI am a mixture of lurker and commentor. I agree with Candace that if you enjoy something then let the blogger know. Having said that, if I don't have anything intelligent to say I won't comment. I read regularly, although only a recent follower. Enjoy the positive attitude and warm friendly atmosphere here, very much:) A big thank you:) Jen
ReplyDeleteHi- I was lured in by your post title and now of course, had to leave a comment! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI admit it, I am mostly a lurker. I do comment sporadically ... and intend to be more "vocal" ...
ReplyDeleteI love your blog, Ellen. I love the issues you raise and the realistic yet hopeful perspective you share.
My five year old son has CP (spastic triplegia) as a result of a premature birth. He is a twin and has a three year old brother as well.
Thanks for sharing Max and Sabrina with all of us ... even us lurkers!
Well, I don't know if you would call me a lurker...I have commented a few times here and there. Only when I feel I can add to the conversation. I have been following your blog for about a year now. Found you thru General Hysteria. I also have a child with CP. She is a delightful 6 1/2 year old with a funny sense of humor and stubborn streak that will help her in life. (I keep telling myself that as I try NOT to bang my head on the wall, when she is being stubborn!) :). Abby is also a twin and her sister, who was much sicker in the NICU, is as they say "typical"...whatever that means. We also have a spunky 18 month old who thinks she is 6 so our lives are full.
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate your sense of humor and have found that I read everyday and look forward to your blog. It helps to know another parent is feeling or going thru what I have/am going thru. Like someone posted before...I don't know what I would have done without the internet.
Thanks for your writing and I will try to post more.
Also as a busy mom of 3 I would love the Burt's Bees Basket. :) shart1234@hotmail.com
Hi Ellen, I have been here a while. Found you through Fighting monsters with Rubber Swords. I am a fan of yours. You have a great sense of humor, write well, lead an interesting life and have 2 adorable, very photogenic kids. I pray Maxs' stem cell infusion helps. It does seem like its made a difference from your comments.
ReplyDeleteI have found other blogs worth reading through their comments here, like my three ring circus and Jo the giant tamer (something like that)
In honor of National Delurker day I am here. Love see and reading about your children. And will continue to pray for all of you. Happy that Max and Sabrina are doing so good. smgoodie
Here I am -- not exactly delurking, but i didn't want to be left out!!
ReplyDeleteI actually love the color purple too :)I would love to invite you to look at my blog.... http://all-about-the-savings.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteI've been lurking for about a month (give or take) I found you through Sarah from Class of 2008.
ReplyDeleteHi Ellen...I do so LOVE your blog. :) I don't comment every day, but I do read.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog, I'm just not very commenty. (I think this is the third comment I've left here!) I do want to say though that I love the color purple :)
ReplyDeleteWow. I am blown away. Really. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHi Ellen - I think that you know I lurk all the time! I love your site and hearing all about Max.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I was thinking of Max last night as I was trying to find Little Dude a toddler Vikings t-shirt. I did not have any luck, but I was wondering if Max was going to be a Vikings fan for the weekend :)
You are wonderful! Thanks for the great site!
I'm a pretty good lurker. I love blogs!
ReplyDeleteI'm a teacher and love any blogs related to courageous people with amazing kids. Thanks for sharing in your fun.
Hi, my name is Sarah, and I am a blog lurker. ;) My daughter is also a stroke survivor and I've become really drawn to your blog because while you seem to be a hugely successful advocate for Max, you also write about other things and make me laugh a lot too. I find most "special needs" blogs depressing, but this one is always so inspiring and real, and I appreciate that in so many ways.
ReplyDeleteSorry to have been just lurking. Let me take this opportunity to tell you how much I love your funny, touching, inspiring writing. Max and Sabrina are wonderful, and you're amazing. I recommend your blog to parents all the time. Thank you!