So, about the mysterious bones they discovered in my new next-door neighbor's backyard: The sweet, elderly guy dropped by last night to tell us that the police tested them and they were "animal" bones. OK, then. No ax murderer of human beings lived next door to me, let me set the record straight. Why animal bones were there, who knows.
In other news, I am thinking of taking the drastic step of hiding all the DVDs in our home and telling the kids something like "The DVD fairy has taken them back until you're 25." On weekends, they glue themselves to the screen any chance they can get. It's gotten so bad that if they were watching a movie and I said, "HEY, KIDS, YOU CAN HAVE CHOCOLATE PUDDING AND CANDY FOR DINNER! AND I WILL BUY YOU EVERY SINGLE TOY IN TOYS 'R US TODAY! AND YOU CAN GO ROLL OUTSIDE NAKED IN THE SNOW, JUST FOR FUN!!!" they would not hear a single word I said, they have become such DVD zombies.
I think the occasional video is fine, but too much just cannot be good for their brains. Especially Max's. He is six years old, but cognitively he's significantly younger. He (and Sabrina) would be much better off reading or playing. I've heard of families that don't let their kids watch any TV or videos. I used to think that was extreme, but now I get the point.
If you have a toddler and you didn't hear about this study on how videos like "Baby Einstein" aren't necessarily good for tots, check it out. I know that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than two hours of screen time a day but on weekends, our kids' TV consumption can be double that. And that's not counting computer and Wii games.
I just Googled and found a great book, The Berenstain Bears and Too Much TV. Ordered! I also got The Berenstain Bears and the Trouble with Chores because Sabrina has a bit of a "No, you pick it up!" 'tude. Sadly, there was no The Berenstain Bears and Husbands Who Do Not Take The Time To Fix Broken Things book. Dave!
What's your policy about your kids and TV/videos? And if you have any tips to share about weaning them off it, please share.
Oh my..I could go on and on and on about TV. I used to be a strictly NO TV Mom until I realized the more I completely excluded TV from the house the more Gabi wanted it as she gets to watch a little at her grandparents on Mondays and Fridays. That is when I decided to let her watch 1/2 a day in the mornings...then no more ..TV OFF. I was able to do this by moving "play time" to the living room -where we do not have the TV..our TV is in the "what used to be GUYS room" but has now become "Gabi's play room" ..poor husband :(. As soon as she is in a room with no TV access she forgets about it. Nothing can be completely bad in moderation I think...I mean although I dislike TV a lot..it can bring some educational value to the kids..but again in my opinion.,.in moderation. I've read learning through TV is a passive learning tool as it provides the answers and for most shows doesn't allow the kids to solve the problems on their own. Oh god I've so become my Mother haha..not a bad thing.. but really I just reread what I wrote and man..i'm a clone ha-ha. Can't wait to see what others have to say about TV. Great topic!~
ReplyDeleteCorey loves to watch TV....he has his favorite shows he likes but I can say if there is an opportunity to go outside or do ANYTHING with me or his daddy he will choose that over TV everytime.......so.....I guess he basically watches it when he's getting dressed in the mornings before school........and as he's waiting for supper (after all the Homework is done) and sometimes on the weekends but not very much!
ReplyDeleteOh.....I'm very relieved about the ex-neighbor......I've been a little worried about that and have caught myself looking at my neighbors a little funny!
ReplyDeleteMy Dave needs that husband book too!!! He also needs one about actually "doing" things on his "to do" list. Maybe we should write them!
ReplyDeleteThis is a hot subject, Sean gets to watch TV at home from time to time as a treat or if I need to make dinner and Patrick is not home and it is something Sean can not help make with out getting hurt.
ReplyDeleteI L-O-V-E the B. Bears stories!! I grew up on them, graduated to chapter books with them (yes! they have chapter books!) and can't wait to use them in my classroom and years down the road when little ones come along!!!
ReplyDeleteAs for the TV...Make them earn it. For ever 30 min of chores, that's 15 min. of TV time. You'll have clean bathrooms, no trash, and clean dishes for only an hour of TV time! Ok, evil, but still, they'll appreciate the video that much more. And if they don't feel like doing chores, fine, that's their choice.
Oh, and can I mention how I'm a little disappointed those bones were animal? I feel like there could have been a great story there...
ReplyDeleteumm my note says 1/2 day of TV.. oops that was meant to be 1/2 hour.. PS: sorry my note was so long winded.
ReplyDeleteWe homeschool so are home all day and my kids were getting WAY too much tv so we passed a new rule. TV only on Friday, Saturday and Sundays and then only 3 hours per day. So basically that is one movie and an hour on the wii. During the week I do let them have some time on the computer but only when it is games that back up what we're learning in school. It has been hard on them but we are spending more time together as a family and their attitudes have improved. I still take even that tv time away if they act out.
ReplyDeleteYou are moving in a beneficial direction for your children. Lots of friends to show you the way here.
Hi Ellen!
ReplyDeleteIt's your new *fan*, Kate! I never have the T.V. on during the day - even if I want to watch something. Gavin has seen the occasional DVD like Baby Einstein (which he never cared for that much) or Elmo...I could probably count on one hand how many times he's watched T.V. BUT...now that I have a 15 monther (Gavin) and a 1 monther (Brian) - that may change! Tonight I was desperate and put Gavin in front of Elmo so I could nurse Brian. I hated doing it, but he was safe, happy and content...and his brother didn't starve ;-)
I like the *earning T.V. time by doing chores* suggestion and will remember that when the boys get older!
Thanks for the great suggestions, everyone. I definitely need to start with the most simple solution, imposing limits. It's tricky because we've let Max watch videos during mealtimes, it makes it easier to feed him (he is still not completely feeding himself) and then Sabrina wants to watch one, too. But I really am going to try hard to distract them with other stuff. Perhaps I can teach them to fix things around the house?!
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting that you said you let Max watch videos for mealtime. We do for Alex as well. In many ways, it just makes things easier. I have to say that I'm happy to see that 2 hours is a good amount...that's about what he gets a day.
ReplyDeleteFunny, I've been thinking this same thing lately. I turned off the TV all day Saturday, and no one complained a bit. My Max walked into the living room and said "it's quiet in here" and walked out. My kiddos rarely watch a full program anyway (sometimes I wish they would), they usually find something more interesting to do on their own. They do, however, sit in front of the XBOX or Wii an awful lot BUT (here's my defense) 1) it's -28 degrees outside 2)at least the Wii makes you move 3) they ONLY get to play age appropriate games and 4) I really think the kids have learned some great problem solving skills, reading an number recognition. We wouldn't let them spend all day on the games, but I am sure they spend more time gaming than watching regular TV or movies. I removed the DVD player from our car and they never complained either!! Kids find things to do.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, my aunt (my age) does not allow her daughter (age 7) ANY TV during the week and 2 hours Saturday morning. While she and my kids watched the 2 hours Sat. morning, their girl didn't even blink and you couldn't get her attention at all. My three got bored and went to play toys about halfway through. Maybe SOME would keep them from full withdrawl?
ReplyDeleteWe don't have cable, but I have DVD's going an awful lot. Charlie isn't terribly interested in the TV, though. He wants to crawl and wiggle and get into trouble instead.
ReplyDeleteI was betting that someone burried a dead pet next door.
ReplyDeleteNew reader. Love your blog!
Our house has a two hour per day rule that is often not taken advantage of:)
Of course I read this entry just as I told Daniel he could watch Curious George on PBS. He also had 15 minutes of playing one of his Wii games earlier, too. We used to be a no - TV - at - all family - ah, those were the days! While he's not allowed more than an hour of screen time a day, I will admit that we sometimes bend the rules on weekends. It's just that, well, sometimes putting on a half - hour TV show helps distract them while we get things done. There, I said it! Come take away my Mother Of The Year award! Haha. But you're absolutely right - our kids need to do other things besides stare at a screen. Perhaps I'll join you in hiding the TV/video games.
ReplyDeleteAs you know, I've already confessed that my kids watch too much TV.
ReplyDeleteNow that the weather is nicer out (Summer in Oz) I've noticed a wonderful shift in focus. I love having time without the TV on.
I know I should always be in control of what they watch and how much, but I also know that sometimes BC is just so worn out from all he does, that the TV can also be a much needed break - and for me too as much of his play needs MY involvement.
The little Bean however, clearly watches too much Wiggles. He knows all the moves to their dances and speaks bits of their lines before they do...and as cute as it is watching him Rock-a-bye his bear 100 times a day, I am pleased to see him playing in the sandpit, on the swing, in the cubby house etc.
Oh, and I'm pleased your neighbour is not an axe murderer - curious how this connects with the topic too. How many of us were secretly hoping (a la Desperate Housewives) that there was a real life mystery straight from TV ;-).....