To the wise
nothingbuteverything and the anonymous poster who advised me to take the initiative with playdates for Max, in response to yesterday's post about Max's
minimalist social life: You are
so right! Thanks to everyone for the encouraging comments, it's nice to know people are reading this thing.
Tonight, I was supposed to take Sabrina to the dentist, only I missed the train that would have gotten me home in time. When I called to tell Sabrina we weren't going to the dentist, I figured she'd be psyched. "BUT MOOOOOOOMMMMMY," she said, sounding like I had just told her I was giving all her toys away to the neighbors, "YOU SAAAAID WE WERE GOOOOOOING TO THE DENTIST." I couldn't believe it—she
minded not going to the dentist? What is wrong with these kids, anyway? When I got home, I jokingly called her a little drama queen. "No, Mommy," she said, pouting. "I'm a PRINCESS."
Man, the stuff that comes out of her mouth. At my worst moments, I sit around wondering what Max would have sounded like if he were able to talk like other five-year-olds can. The fact that Max can say any words is a miracle, since part of his brain damage is in the area that controls speech. A couple of years ago, his neurologist told us that he thought Max was bright enough to talk. He has major physiological challenges—his brain's not sending the right signals to his tongue, and then his poor, little, stressed-out tongue already has its own issues (he can't manipulate it quite right). The neurologist told us that when Max spoke he'd sound like a deaf person talking and sure enough, that's how he sounds, just maybe just a little less clear. Like
Marlee Matlin. Drunk.
Anyway, for the record, here are his words: Max, me, Ma, Daddy, Linnette, Aunt Judy, no (this he can say
really clearly, of course!), yes, more (especially when chocolate pudding is involved), Lightning McQueen (sounds like "highening ickean!"), truck, airplane, egg, ice cream, rain, beach house, and, oh, yes,
What has your child done lately that's amazed you?
To leave a comment, just click on "comments" right below this...for all you blog newbies. Hi, Mom!